Possible trig-latency BUG?

RYTM has been working fine except whenever I turn it on or load up a project and try to play that project immediately, there is always a 1-2 second delay of the samples playing incorrectly, or off-time. It’s weird…it’s like the the sequencer and trigs start up misaligned or something.

That being said, once the system rights itself, it plays exactly as it should.

It’s almost like it has to warm up for a second or two before it plays correctly.

Once it’s on, it works perfectly. The latency only happens when I switch it on, allow it to fully boot and load the default project and play the project for the first time.

There is a latency issue with sample trigs.

Anybody else experience anything like this?

I emailed Elektron about a week ago and haven’t heard anything, so I guess they’re on vacation.


yes I noticed the same.
I hope its possible to fix.

Thanks for letting the forum know. Hopefully Elektron will chime in and confirm it as a bug.

A post was split to a new topic: Problem with Overbridge and AR

I believe that the solution to this is just to wait a few seconds for the samples to load before trying to use them.

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Yep, try sending an email on your mac whilst it boots up ! The very clear indication that the AR is not ready to roll is the barbershop poll graphic spinning around, this can also pop up during play, so best just be mindful of it, and patient when it’s busy