Posting is very archaic

For a start I’d do something like this:

I can move this box around freely, as soon as i venture off the text area it can be moved with a NESW arrow cursor :slight_smile:

Go Snow Leopard

I like the forum a lot fwiw - not saying that little nuances can’t be sorted tho

This is what I see on Win7, just tried to move the window no worky here!

Using Chrome BTW.

And here is what it looks like on my iPad, so much wasted space which could be used for all the missing information, no?

Also on Chrome, on Safari it is worse!

see image >

@Elektron, while you’re at it - there’s this ios issue too, still a bit annoying >

i think that floating window thing is actually an old implementation.
it was buggy and then changed to the solid screen that it is now.

maybe this is still stuck in your browser cache?
log out / clear browser cache / log in?

I get the same as avantronica. I drew in the directional arrow thingamajiggy since my cursor moved to do the screenshot.

Windows 7 (home and work laptops), latest chrome…

** it must be something like avantronica mentioned! Just allow pop-ups from Elektronauts, and you should be all good!!

pfft … its a forum ^^

iam not going to call an ambulance via the forum so who cares if its slow or wastes space :slight_smile:

i like it a lot, does what it should do

NO! Then I’ll lose the floating window thingy! I like the floating window thingy!! :astonished:

If you read through the issues people are having then you’ll see that it is not really to do with ergonomics or speed. Lets say someone is asking a multi-part technical question, as is often the case with this kind of subject, if I want to reply then I can’t see their original post, sure it is not a factor for people who just want to browse, but for anyone who wants to participate then it is a PITA.
With no-one answering questions, or posting, then a forum soon dies. When you make a forum that puts barriers in peoples way, then they won’t post.

NO! Then I’ll lose the floating window thingy! I like the floating window thingy!! :astonished: [/quote]
And this brings me nicely to another gripe, I was not able to quote this post in my previous post, because of the reply issue, so now have to start a new post BAH!
Anyway, not using any popup blockers here.

I’m all for user feedback, good or bad, so they can improve the experience for everyone. And they really should make the experience as good as possible since they’re products are premium level. Every touch point with Elektron should make you feel good about dropping $1000+ on each machine!
But at the same time, I think Elektron knows that there is no ‘other’ forum where users are communicating. And there NEVER will be another forum where users can get responses from actual Elektron employees. This forum isn’t going to die just because it has some issues.
My hope is that the Elektron team is super busy working on much more important things. Like finishing up whatever is under that damned frosted box and fixing machine bugs.

i dont get why you want to see the original post while replying ^^

i mean its a nice feature for sure … iam always for making things better :slight_smile:

NO! Then I’ll lose the floating window thingy! I like the floating window thingy!! :astonished: [/quote]
And this brings me nicely to another gripe, I was not able to quote this post in my previous post, because of the reply issue, so now have to start a new post BAH!
Anyway, not using any popup blockers here.[/quote]
True, it’s impossible to do multi-page replies, unless you open a new browser window on the previous pages of a thread and start copying/pasting. On most forums you have a way to add excerpts of previous posts that you can multi-quote.
These are definitely good features to have in a forum, but won’t stop me from visiting the forum.

So do you guys who were on EU really think this forum is as busy/good?

Not sure about the heyday of E-U, but this forum is way busier than E-U was for the past few years. Basically, you see it in Forum Activity every time you visit after a day or two of absence: there are 100’s of new posts. E-U had maybe 30 posts a day on the average.

As for “as good”, I like it better in terms of visual style, but the main aspect has to do with the people posting; we’ve lost some old great contributors like Tarekith and tIb, but gained new ones like void, avantronica and many others, so the forum vibe is equivalent (with a different cast in a sense).

To quote one of my favorite TV shows: Saul Goodman!

A lot of those posts are either chatter or duplicative content from having a different forum for every individual Elektron box (ie A4 and AK forums and going to wind up with lots f the same questions over time). I think ther’s also an increasing tendency towards shorter forum posts with less content.

I do find contributions of value but like Darenager I’m posting much less than I used to on E-U because I find both reading and posting unpleasant. I have 5 tabs open to Elektronauts all the time in my browser, but I read and participate far less than I used to at the old site.

I wish Snowcrash was in charge. The font issue was raised months agoand there’s still no option to change it; I’m also sick of 60% of the browser window consisting of empty space.

The signal-to-noise ratio has worsened, anyhow.

I agree with you, because navigation is terribly slow (I mean a forum needs to be quick, not having long load times), and knowing which post I already read isn’t as smooth as the ‘old’ forum, I have to admit that I am also less active nowadays…