Problems syncing with Ableton

Hi there, i`m a really new to Analog Four.

I just got a brand new Analog Four, and i want to use it in sync with my Maschine.

When i open Maschine as a Standalone, the A4 will sync perfectly. But when i try to sync the A4 with Live it won´t work.

Im using a 2010 Macbook Pro with Live 8.

I put the Track, Sync and Remote boxes “on” and when i hit play on Live nothing happens. (A4 is receiving clock and transport).

Does anybody know what might i be doing wrong??

Thanks a lot!

Hi Cacoeyzaguirre

In midi preference i have

Input. Elektron analog 4 Track off, Sync off, Remote off

Output. Elektron analog 4 Track on, Sync on, Remote off

Midi clock sync delay set to-52ms

In audio device, audio error compensation set to 0ms


Midi clock sync delay set to 0ms

In audio device audio error compensation set to -6ms

It depends on the sound card that is used (drivers) and sample rate/buffer in use.

If everything worked, activate the Ableton metronome, activate the metronome in Analog 4 (hold 2 seconds Function + Click), press play and listen if you are synced, without click to ext (externeal sync).

I suggest you set everything well, doing the tests, it can be useful if you also looking:
