Program change problem

Hello guys!

I have bought an AKAI MPC LIVE to control all my devices and sequence, all but the Analog 4. I don´t want to lose the versatility of A4 sequencer with locks and so on. The only thing I want is to change the pattern from one to another by mean of the Akai. Let say from bank A pattern 1 to Bank A pattern 2. I can send a program change from Akai but when this message is received in the A4 it does not change the pattern immediately but it plays an entire track till it changes. Imagine I am in a track in AKAI that send to A4 to play pattern1 and then I change to another track that send a program change to track 2, all synths start playing the sequence for this second track but the A4 that is still playing the pattern for track 1 once.
I tried to change the “direct change” (function+bank group) but nothing change. Has anyone an idea on how to solve this.

best regards.

I’m sorry to bring bad news. You’ve just ran into an annoying, known bug. When switching patterns externally on the A4, it doesn’t use the “pattern mode” option at all, and always enqueues the change until the end of the current pattern (i.e. “sequential” mode).

The release of the mk2 gives me a bit of hope that they might finally address this at some point, but for now you just have to live with it.

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At least now I know that there is no way to solve it till a new update (in case) comes. I prefer it rather than becoming crazy looking for a solution. I will manage to work with this disadvantage…

thanks again.

If you send the PC message before the current iteration of the pattern ends then I think the change will happen when you want it


thanks for you suggestions;

I think I cannot apply this method since in the DAW of Akai MPC live what you can is to trigger sequences which are a list of tracks that comunicate, each of them, with the external devices. So if you play a sequence you cannot delay a track 4 steps. Even in the Ableton I guess it is not easy to do neither at the time you play escenes.


You most certainly can do this, but you need to kludge it a lil.

You have to create a short(ish) transition sequence for every A4 pattn change you want to perform, and play this sequence once before starting the next, intended seq in sync with the A4. For this to work, you need to enter the ogm chng msg manually into the MPC event editor, and enter it into the timeline ahead of time for the A4 to catch the pattn change in time.

Downside to this is the need for those pesky transition seqs, and the fact that you might have to make your sequence order ”static” for best results.

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the kludgest ever :wink:

I will try to see if your solution is better and easier than just make a manual transition before sequence change.

I think it wouldn´t be too difficult for Elektron to update this anyway. Let see if they consider it for the next updates.


Multi Maps is an option : Multi Map to transpose and switch patterns


Ahh yes! that could indeed work

Thats a bad one :sleepy:

Yep. Impressive instant pattern changes. :slight_smile:

Another possibility, that work with OT :
Send Stop and Start midi message just after Prog Change. Do know if you can do this with MPC LIVE. Doable with MPC 1000 IIRC.
A midi processor can do it.

Hi, thanks for the suggestion but I tried and this doesn´t work. I have been modifying all midi sets to check if it is receiving but it is not. I don´t know what else I can do. Do you have an Idea?

Make sure you are sending the midi note data on the performance channel to the A4 (default is ch8 if I’m not mistaken). If not the multimap won’t work.

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yep; I send midi note into the mapped range through midi channel 8 (perform set at chan 8 checked) from Akai MPC live to A4 and nothing happen.
thinking on conspiration to explain this XD

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And you got MIDI in port enabled for both USB and MIDI?

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Multi Map should work with ANY gear sending midi notes. Pattern change worked perfectly with a Korg Taktile keyboard.

Still hard to believe MPC Live can’t send Prog Changes when you want, I hope it can send notes ! :wink:

yes…both of them

I dunno if I am missing an episode here. I am sending midi notes through channel 8 from Akai to A4 and verified that the performance channel is set in ch 8.
I also sent via Channel 1 to 4 and yes, the notes are received.
Lets try to see if anyone in akai is able to inform me about why it is happening.



the problem: the range of MultiMap differs in two octaves from the Akai.

Thanks you all