Recommend a Midi Box Connector?

Help! I’m having issues getting my Octatrack & MD to speak to other equipment. (Excuse the drawing)

What I’m after:

Record from MIDI keyboard into Octatrack Sequencer
Play from Sequencer to different hardware & channels (in this case a Blofeld & Volca Bass)
Slave MD to Octatrack tempo (think I’ve cracked this but occasionally trigger the MD patterns/machines)
Be able to play Blofeld and/or Bass from midi keyboard

Can anyone recommend a midi in/out box?

I’ve tried Midi splitter cables but they don’t seem happy to take two sources? (Clash of commands?)

You just need a MIDI Thru box (one MIDI In port, at least two or three MIDI Thru ports) such as those discussed in the following topic:

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Thanks for that. I’ll have a look into this. :relaxed:

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