Rytm only live sets

wake up someday and make more … loving this one especially!

awesome work!

Great stuff Simon, amazing that you do all this with the AR!

I’m glad you enjoy it!
There will surely be more.

Wish I had the same skills to make a wonderful entire set just in a week, sometimes I get lost in machines sound possibilities :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Could you share more tips to have things done so fast? hehe

Damn! Simon, those are sounding great!

I want to record a complete a version of Menos (described here: Menos: Rytm and led visuals (via Overbridge)). Will post here as soon as possible!

Hey nice thread, great work guys! I want to share one too, only AR live set, hope you like it…

I have one too. A track i prepared for my live set last year. Mostly samples and the old school way of trig conditions :wink:

this is awesome! especially the combination with visuals! I guess Overbridge in combination with Max 4 live or Max MSP would open up new terreotories for the analog machines and live performances. Would be very interesting if you can tell something more about the possibilities.

Nice groove!

Hi Simon
Really like the first one, very talented
Is there a way to download it?

Now there is!

thanks, i will download it when i get home tonight

good to hear that you have more AR only sets coming!!

this is awesome! especially the combination with visuals! I guess Overbridge in combination with Max 4 live or Max MSP would open up new terreotories for the analog machines and live performances. Would be very interesting if you can tell something more about the possibilities.[/quote]
Sorry for the ultra late reply. But thank you so much! I actually have used OB in Max as an audio device, not the plugin itself. But, as promised to Simon, I will make some tests with the AU and VST to see what I can come up with!

Great stuff, Simon!

Could you please sketch out a little how you organised the set on the AR? Was it a series of patterns running across each bank, or separate projects? Did the arranger get used? How much was mute/performance/scene changes?

Any tips or suggestions for creating a long set? I usually just make short patterns which I record and work on later in a DAW. It’s a bit foreign to me, making 53 minutes of solid good music like you’ve done - and on the one machine!

This set uses 16 patterns in one project on the Rytm.

Each Pattern has a few scenes that are used to unmute some parts (since you cannot save mutes per pattern) - some tracks on the Kits have the level turned all the way down when launching the pattern, and then I use a scene to ‘unmute’.

I also use scenes to radically change the sound of the pattern (if I have enough locks left)

And I like to change things around live a bit as well.

I played this set live using sequential change, but all patterns set to infinite length without a change value, so I can launch patterns beforehand and then quickly change to them by pressing stop then play. I like to do it this way as it gives me more control over the pattern change, and allows me to do full silent pauses by double tapping stop.

As for making longer sets… I dunno! It comes down to what kind of music you make, and how repetitive you feel that you can allow yourself to be. Practicing live sound changes/jamming around is probably the best way to extend a set.

I usually play 2 or 3 hour long sets with the AR, in house and techno parties. I have around 30 patterns atm, and use fill, scenes, perfs, and regular controls to insert changes. In a live situation you usually need much less changes than when producing a track. You can exploit a pattern for 10 or 15 minutes. The secret to make it interesting is programming very good and hypnotic patterns, also using the trig behaviour features to trigger sounds sporadically. It gets close to “artificial intelligence” hehe…

Hi Simon how did you achieve the offbeat percussive bass at around 19.12, on the Arena liveset? Plastic BD or FMping stuff?

That’s an FM bass I made with Ableton Operator and exported as sample.
Most of the Arena live set was made in 1.22. Very little usage of the new machines.

EDIT: More specifically, a 2 operator bass with a ratio of 1:2. Sort of a squarewave. Probably paired with some filter and overdrive on the Rytm.

Thanks Simon!