Sequencing Analog Four with Octatrack

Hi everyone!
I’ve been an OT user for quite a few years now, and I’ve recently added an A4 to my setup, hoping to use just these two pieces for composing / live performance.

I’m on the fence about something though: sequencing the Analog Four from the OT or using it’s own sequencer.

I have to say, I got so used to using the OT alone with it’s MIDI tracks (sequencing synths in an iPad) that using two separate sequencers feels a bit uncofortable at times.
my pros and cons pf sequencing with the OT:

Pros: sequencing from a single machine, per-track multipliers (I use this way more than I thought), easier to mute A4 tracks (from mixer / quick mute mode)

Cons: less control over the sound (parameter locks, accents), I can’t keep the A4 sound going while I switch patterns (wich I’m still not sure if I want or not - although tempting, I don’t know how much it would bother me to change patterns on both machines individually when playing live - it might end up making transitions too long…)

what are your experiences?

I run my A4 with its own sequencer going. The patterns are triggered by my Octatrack but I leave the midi out of the equation. The A4’s sequencer is as capable as the Octatrack as far as I can tell so there’s no gain.
I’ve a Machinedrum also which I do trigger from the Octatrack. The Machinedrum doesn’t have the same power in its sequencer so it makes sense to put patterns together in the Octatrack.

That’s my way at the moment


Sure? :smile:
Arp plocking, modulated with lfos, midi controlled Perf Macros, are just :thup:


Okay! May have to rethink the relationship between my Octatrack and A4! They may need to get a little closer.!

As you like, Multimap is great too. You can play sound pool sounds and / or track sounds over A4’s sequenced notes, real-time transpose patterns…:slightly_smiling_face:

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I haven’t looked at this close enough!

I’m in France at the moment with my girlfriend’s parents and all of my music gear remained in England.

So, for the time being, my music room isa wasteland.

When I get back I’m going to look at these things closer.

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I think ratcheting is also something you can (unfortunately) only do on the A4 if you sequence it via the Octatrack.

I have no idea what that is…?
EDIT: nevermind, I just looked for it, found an example on another thread. how would you do that with the OT?

I’m not sure what you mean, can you explain a bit further?


super interesting stuff, I can’t think of a way to use it right now, but it opens up a lot of possibiities…
another point un favour of OT sequencing is that the arp can be P-locked - not possible on A4 for some reason

And on OT you Can record pitchbend and CC from modwheel and pitchbend from external keyboard (The A4 cannot)

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We are due a snow storm from this evening. Hope you get back before it all starts- that way you can sit it out with the A4 and OT!

I’m coming back on Friday.

I live on the coast right next to Folkedtone. From the exit of the channel tunnel it’s 9 minutes to my front door; 9.21 to the music room. Seriously cannot wait to crack on. Although my Octatrack MK2 has a little visit to Sweden due to some of behaviours. I’ve waited until after the Christmas posting to avoid confusion. I’m going to miss that little bugger for a little while.

So . . . This snow storm . . . Where in the country is it destined?


youll be safe down south pal


I’ve seen hardly any snow in my part of the world for ages.

Anyway, good luck with your impending blizzard!
