Dearest Elektron - PLEASE update the AR so that we can switch tracks with one hand!
It would make programming the AR much faster and more enjoyable. And, I think it would be relatively simple to program/implement.
The more I use my AR, the more RSI I get from constantly switch tracks using the button combination.
I would happily pay for this. Heck, if you make it a MKII feature only I would order a MKII.
Couple ideas for implementing:
- When grid record mode is disabled, make the first 12 TRIG keys switch to the respective track.
- Use another button combination to enter “single button track switch mode” (as described in #1) while grid record mode is disabled, like on the OT when you hit FUNCTION + DOWN it changes the behavior of the TRIG keys when grid record mode is disabled.
All my other Elektron machines have dedicated buttons for switching tracks. I really miss this on the AR.
Mods, I humbly think this should not be merged into the feature request thread, as I feel it deserves special discussion and visibility, since I bet many AR power users would really appreciate it. But, FWIW, I respect your decisions.