So I’ve been working on RTYM exclusively to learn it. Not using any other devices until I’ve had about 40 dedicated hours working on this machine. I’m at a point where I’m practicing from 1 to 2 hours at a time each day. So far only using the synthesis and have not loaded any samples. Firmware is 1.02F (shipped with it). Not using any stands that might block the venting.
I’m finding that after about an hour and a half of heavy use things start getting wonky. The device will either lock up or some features will stop working. For example I won’t be able to create or modify any scene pads. The display will knowledge that I am turning the knobs but knobs, but they won’t change values.
By “heavy use” I mean 6-10 pads firing, juggling of mutes, quite a few P-locks on triggers, a few scenes set up, two patterns. I’m wondering if I’m just working too hard and heat buildup is causing issues. Advice is welcome. Thanks!