Starting a modular


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That’s interesting but 24 LFOs hiding in the OT…

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Good point, still though this could give you 4 extra. I was just thinking as a start point if someone was looking to keep the modules to a minimum

I’m interested in this:

I just got an Octatrack and want to control a Wavetable or FM focused skiff. Using the OT effects so only eurorack voices and utilities for me.

If you have an A4 you can literally just buy an a wavetable module and drive everything from the A4, including sending the external oscillator back through A4 effects, env, vca’s etc.
My personal favourite is the new Synth Tech E352. Absolute beast.
Shapeshifter second


2 posts were split to a new topic: Am I better using my Voyager with

the eowave 6u 84hp powered case is less than 300 euro new Inc delivery.
they do a 104hp version too.


Novation Peak would be great as a polyphonic synth.

But if you are going to use FM, particularly audio FM, I would suggest to check out pure analogue gear. I have some digital and analogue gear in the studio and IMO audio-rate-filter FM sounds best with analogue gear. You could check out synths made by Dreadbox, or the Fusebox by Analogue Solutions. The Dominion 1 would also be a great choice and there are others …

Recently I added the Fusebox to my arsenal … beautiful 70-ties like analogue sound, audio-FM, and this handy arp/patternator/interval generator combination, which makes the semi-modular synth to become an instrument for live performance.

Novation Peak’s FM options are great although the depth of FM could still be stronger, even though it was deepened in an os update.
The great thing with the Peak’s mod matrix though is that you can keep stacking the FM modulation paths, doubling the FM depth with each new stack added.
Don’t think I could choose between Peak and Eurorack. Just by both :money_mouth_face:

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most of the fancy stuff happens in euro I think. As @psyclone001 mentioned you can go a long way with just the A4 and some crazy modules.
Or with the OT and a midi to cv. Expert sleepers Fh1, Shuttle control or yarns are popular with the OT.
A crazy digital Vco, an fx module, maybe a quad vca and a potent modulator will keep you very busy.
Vco’s were suggested: synthesis technology e352, shapeshifter, noise engineering stuff, braids or klavia twin waves.
Akemies castle or taiko would be great digital fm options.
Elements, rings, plonk for physical modeling.
Morphagene, Clouds, 4ms Dld, Rainmaker, Erbe Verbe are popular fx modules (morphagene clouds are granular synthesis modules actually)
Maths, Quadra, Pamela’s new workout, Octocontroller are some very potent modulators.

Just to name a few options


This is what I’m working on to pair with OT and Rytm.

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Anyone using a Pittsburgh Modular 10.1+ system?

Keep some money to be spend after NAMM, or if you want to go modular, after Superbooth … :wink:

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1,5 years ago I started the same route and guess what my first module was? Clouds ofcourse :wink:

Now I have 2 x 104hp rack full.
As I have A4, AR and OT, I tried to set a goal for doing stuff with the modular: things which I can´t do with the Elektron machines.

One basic main thing ist the sequencer. I could run the modular from A4 or OT - but that´s not where the modular fun beginnns. Modular Sequencers or trigger based sequencer just can run independly from your straight clock. Think of trig conditions. Let´s say there is a 83% chance the seqencer will go one step further. Not possible with the Elektron gear. But in the modular world there is Pamelas New Workout (which you can sync via DIN SYNC) and little sequencers like Korg SQ1 or Make Noise Rene´. Or you can build your own little sequencer using 2, 3, 3 or more clock divisions and run this into a cv mixer … you know … possibilities are endless.

Soundwise I went with STO and Dixie 2+ for basic great sounding VCOs. (STO has wave shaping). And for chords I went with Braids. I love those wavetables!!!. Also love Clouds parasite firmware in resonator mode. I also added Basimilus Iteritas Alter for drum duties. The key is, to send as many lfos or other moduluations sources as you have into the cv ins. You can send your soundsources to different filters. I went with Z2040 and SSM Filter by Doepfer. Also SEM Filter by Doepfer is good.

Basicly I would say, I was looking for modules that take me in unknown theretories, out of the standard grid workflow, and complement soundwise with the Elektron machines.

But biggest suggestion is: take your time!! You will not learn in a month or two which kind of workflow you like! There a great modules out there but they are a little buggy or a lot of menu diving or what ever. for example I sold Yarns after 2 months because I just was not running as I expected and the menu diving …arrrg! :slight_smile: Sometimes you buy a module and use it for 1 or 2 months and it feels great but after that it feels you are done with it and never use it again. It´s a bit tricky with one trick ponies, which most of the modules are.


I only started last week:
First: Noise Engineering Loquelic Iteritas
Second: MN Optmix
Third: Maths.

Got the CV splitter from Elektron and am using the A4 so far as sequencer. Pitch to Loquelic Iteritas, Gate to Maths. Then audio from Optomix back into a4 for now. But will go to OT for sampling soon. Also have a 0 coast but just using these 3 moules with the A4 this week. Small Steps.

Next to get:
Disting mk4
(Maybe) Batumi.

Its all sitting in a Tip Top Happy ending case i bought for 70 euro second hand.


Thanks people for the advices.
Keep shooting ideas, I still haven’t made up my mind…

Peak is calling, I know what I can reach with this powerful instrument.
And in the other side, I am convinced modular is wallet murder.
I might totally chicken out…

Or get me a 6U case and Clouds + Elements…
I’m frightened!

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based on my long winded reply here:

If I ONLY had 2k~ and didn’t want to save up more I would get at the system cartesian. It does lack FX but it contains quite a bit of modular, and you end up with rosie which can be used with external FX. I’ve been extremely happy with make noise and I did have a cartesian for a short while (it was after I got my shared system and the two of them combined ended up being more than I needed or wanted).

Regardless though, I would snatch up a 7U intellijel case. You end up having to get 1U tiles from intellijel but really having that extra 1U row is really great when you start realizing you need mults, offsets, noise and other utilities.


Or get an Organelle which now has a lot of Mutable Instruments code and patches available for it, for less than the price of a case plus Clouds :wink:


I completely slept on this one. Watched some videos today, now the GAS awakens

Indeed… 2k€ is Peak + Organelle…
Wouldn’t go far in modules…
Might as well follow your advice, pal.