Status update on Digitakt OS

My guess: Digitakt late february and overbridge release will be pushed into august.

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You’re entitled to your opinion but honestly if my opinion is that Song Mode is a needed feature that would complete the unit then deal with it. I’m not alone in this either, many of us believe SM is absolutely necessary for a box of this type. Without it, it seems to fall just short of professional… Also, my question to you is do you even own the DT? …lol

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I have to agree re: the timeframe for OB. Given what we’ve seen recently and taking into account the patterns of the past couple of years, there are really only two possibilities: they release a stable OB in February and regain the trust and faith of the community big time, or…they miss it again. My money is on the latter, simply seen way to much evidence recently to support it. Frankly I wouldn’t be surprised one bit if we don’t get OB in 2018 at all or if it’s scapped entirely.

And I say this as a huge fan of their products. They’re just not behaving like a reliable company recently.


Elektron really should stop announcing release dates for software and firmware. :slight_smile:

It’s great that they’re more open about what they’re working on, what their plans are, and how things are prioritized. Now they just need to learn to say “when it’s done” when people ask for a specific date!

I think they were probably close but its Christmas and everyones heading home to hang with their families at this point. Have a safe holiday y’all :christmas_tree:


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many thanks! i know i know. i told myself i’d wait til 1.10. dig the DT and elektron in general but I’m looking for a very reliable drum computer w/ some basic MIDI sequencing that can seamlessly transition from studio to stage. I thought DT was that product. Jury is still out.

Overbridge2 - Vaporware of the year 2017


No, I’m actually waiting for it to be updated with a function that does your tax return for you before I buy it.

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Lol!! Right on… I didn’t think you did…


Nah in truth I read the feature list and skipped it because it doesn’t have an arp. But I hope they add song mode for you soon so you can start using your sampler again :cry::crossed_fingers:

Yes exactly, i personally will never preorder an Elektron device again :frowning:

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No, they shouldn’t have released a new device with an unfinished OS when they had a whole line of reboots ready to go and that would need to be assembled and would need development time to support.
The QC issues with the DT are telling of how under the pump they were assembling the units. The DT was a cash grab for the low hanging fruit of the market, to fund the development and production of the MK2 line for their core userbase. Thats what it looks like to me anyway


Personally I wouldn’t pre-order anything…
The first run is almost always going to need some modifications on the assembly line(or whatever you call it if they’re hand assembled) and sometimes there’s minor unannounced hardware revisions as a company adjusts after these initial runs…
The first few batches figure these details out…


wait wat??

Yeah I am not preordering anything anymore, this has been a learning experience :smiley:

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Keep the dream alive champ:) lol

In nearly all markets, pre-ordering brings out the worst in both the buyer and seller.


Shouldn’t even be a thing, how do you know if you want something if it doesn’t exist yet? Especially in this realm where folks are pretty demanding as far as specific functionality goes, functionality that you don’t really know about for sure until you see one in person or ask many detailed questions to someone online who has one. Lots of money spent in hope for the best…

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I just imagine the gaming world applied to music tech…

Visit the Sampleverse and pick up your soundcrate for the chance to unlock MIDI sequencing for your A4.


To those citrusy people sensitive to such things, this was satire.

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