Status Update on Overbridge [posted February 2018]

rly depends of what kind of kinky sht you are into. But full redundancy of broken gear kind of is.

I think when he said full redundancy, he meant that you have reserves of your equipment in case something breaks. In its current state, you can buy a thousand digitakts and it won’t help you a bit if one breaks. In its current state, i will lose all the music I’ve created on the device, and it won’t be down to some user error on my part, it’s just not possible to back up the samples.


can you please point the source that has promised you that you will fully backup your samples with Overbridge?

Better use the flags - if there’s any more off-topic stirring and bickering in this thread (everyone) it will have to be closed. It’s been going nowhere for ages and it’s become a hotspot for negativity, trolling and flags.


Nah, I won’t indulge you.


Yer was thinking of mk1

means nothing to a mk2 or digi user.

it’s like saying - “I have software version 1, therefore, version 2 is definitely being released”

you just never know

It says so on the Elektron page.

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@Ess or @Olle can either of you confirm if the Digitone overbridge will launch after the main launch of the new overbridge, or if all current products will receive overbridge at the same time?

@avantronica I agree that there is a lot of trolling, and that this thread has gotten very negative, but there is also the aspect that the customer base is frustrated, angry, and feel mislead by the company. Thankfully, it would appear that at least the engineers and customer support have seen this and acknowledge this issue. Let’s hope the message gets to Elektron HQ as well. I still have an open ticket on the Elektron page that no one has replied to regarding this matter as well in the hopes that enough tickets will get escalated.

Well, only thing that I have seen on Elektron page, is the promise for “sample management functionality”. Somehow this is now understood here as a promise for full redundancy backup for broken gear. Apples and oranges in my view. It sure would be great to have that in the future but if it happens, it would be an added bonus, not some broken promise you have a right to claim.

In your view is the key sentence here. Every other sampler on the planet has a way to get the samples off the sampler. Even with the Octatrack you can mount it as a hard drive. It follows suit that some kind of sample backup solution is incoming. I’m not sure why you continue to be antagonistic for no reason. It’s not constructive.


because Elektron is here getting way more stick than it deserves imo. Elektron is criticised for not providing the functionality it has promised, but also for not providing the functionality it never has promised to provide.

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Seeing as they haven’t delivered anything yet despite promises, some criticism surely is justified?


I’m using my Digitakt this morning and loving it! Stoked for OB!

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But saying backup wasnt promised so it shouldnt be expected is pretty extreme for a digital instrument that was designed and heavily promoted as a tool to sample live. I certainly dont remember anyone demoing it saying sampling should be done on an external device and backed up first, if I had I would not have been interested in buying it in the first place as it kills the workflow.


My issue isn’t with the Elektron developers or engineers, it’s with marketing. The last year has been a failure in terms of overpromising and under delivering. That’s an issue of improperly managing expectations, false advertising, and poor communication. Some might call it a growing pain, but I hope that Elektron marketing takes a lesson from this and advertises what it can deliver, when it can deliver it instead of overcommitting and then putting undue pressure on developers to meet their unrealistic expectations.


I will because I don’t need Overbridge or ever intend to use it :joy: (well I might try the standalone version if it materialises, but just for project management/renaming etc)

Sample transfer though, that’s a different matter.


Backup is coming, here’s Simon commenting on it:
We NEED Backup?

Any sampler worth anything has backup, it’s a given. Even a bloody pocket operator has backup.

It’s insane to me that the DT still doesn’t have backup a year after its release.

I’m looking at working with a band to do some live work and if so, we will be working on tracks together, makes me nervous that I won’t be able to backup any of the work we may do. Then to gig with no backup… ffs. Nerve racking!!!


plus 1

How anyone might even consider such completely self-evident, BASIC requirements for digital gear as debatable, is completely beyond me. It would be utterly weird, if Elektron wouldn’t see and acknowledge the necessity.

I’m glad Simon’s comment brought some clarity into the matter.

I don’t know the exact technical specs of +drives. But I do know that digital storage media can fail, no matter if harddisks, SSDs or whatever. +drives will probably be no exception, sooner or later. You can just hope for the best for the time being. The risk of losing some or many hours of hard work can easily (and only) be avoided by backup functionality. It’s not as important, if Overbridge or the transfer tool provides it, as having it avilable at all. Overbridge would offer the better workflow context though from my view.


Was hoping it would be released this spring break… Can’t wait to hook it up to ableton.

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