Status Update on Overbridge [posted February 2018]

I’m sure Elektron would be very happy to see this thread closed, but you really shouldn’t do that. You’ll make the whole situation much worse.

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Really ? You seem to have access to informations I don’t have. Any hint on what is meant by “sample management” if it does not include backup ? I’d love to stay on topic, can you help ?

If there’s no backup in this “sample management”, then I’ll just stick with Crunch/Digitakt-manager for the management part (a very nice and useful app by one of those “armchair developers”) and I’ll happily leave this discussion thread.


Elektron stated that backing up and generally better file management is being held back until the next overbridge update.
So, while these are separate issues they are very much linked by being put into the same release.

In case you’re wondering, i don’t give a rat’s arse about OB, but i have been waiting for years for some proper file management thankyouverymuch.
The longer i wait, the more i get the feeling that the credits the scene is giving elektron is misplaced.


That has been exactly my understanding of “Sample management functionality”:
how should this clearly announced feature even be possible without sample exchange back and forth between device and computer, of course implying backup functionality?

If that is true, how could this topic not belong into this thread???


Overbridge MK1 was never stable for me. I’m afraid the OB 2.0 delays mean it’s not going to be stable for mk2 either - at least after the first major windows or macos update, unless they dedicate resources to continually keep it up to date.

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My guess is it means: drag samples to and from the +drive / soundpool

Otherwise it would say “Complete Sample back up and transfer”

Vagueries also cover their butts for being able to deliver an interpreted version of whatever that means

But hey, any one of those dot points could be delayed from 2.0

Pretty sure it has everything to do with overbridge


Overbridge was, is and will be a great may things, good for some, bad for some.

But one thing that Overbridge clearly is more than anything else for Elektron, is a well-meaning but at the time naive idea, spawned a few years ago, when they were a different company, to position themselves in a market where hardware was still coming to terms with its new rise.

I’m gonna go ahead and assume that Overbridge as a concept was born before we got our hands on the Analog Four, and things were very different then, and a few assumptions were made and no one with the proper experience was around to say “Hey, wait a minute.” The road to hell is paved with good intentions, and Elektron’s goodwill hasn’t brougt them back from the furnace yet.

If anything, I hope Elektron has learned to recruit those people now, those that weren’t around in the beginning, those that could put Overbridge on a proper and dignified path to a professional release. It’s just possible that this is what we’re seeing now, someone brought in to tell the Elektrons to shut up, face the music and finish the damn thing, and don’t look back after that.

Wouldn’t it have been great if they just put 4 outs on the DT and DN? I wouldn’t need OB then. Even if they were an extra $150 bucks.

Probably impossible but if there’s any chance that an OS update could send to the headphone out as output 3/4 that would do.

Probably just a mirror of the main outs but if it isn’t…

Either way, I look forward to the DT Mk2 with 6 or 8 outs and SD card slot :+1:


That’s exactly the point.

Overbridge is no trivial task. And stability problems and other issues are indeed likely to occur, especially in the first phases of development. I have been beta-testing similar software for a hardware synth some years ago, and know it is challenging.

But what, if so long after first development steps, the whole project gets heavy delays and issues again? And what, if that happens with the next hardware generation, from the same developer, who developed the new generation OS, and had all options available to make OS and Overbridge compatible?

In this case, questions arising, concerning possible underempoyment in the OS/Overbridge area, are anything but far fetched. To keep something like Overbdrige (which IMHO is essential for significant Elektron growth) up to date and working, you need significantly more resources, than while developing drum machines and synths step by step.

While dealing with that is completely up to Elektron, it is up to us to react to completely unacceptable gaps between advertising and delivering, and to bad or hardly existent communication. And from what I know from company staff of other companies, they very well DO notice the degree of critical feedback, knowing all to well, that these are signals which will concern selling statistics in no time.

Any effort to discourage critical (non-insulting) feedback in this forum, is rather vain from my view. Most users are good willing, as long as their legitimate interests are not played down in inappropriate patronizing ways.


Imagine how many awesome Elektron boxes won’t see the light of day because of OB :cry:

OB will be an ongoing development timesink, maybe it will be worth it, maybe not.

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It will be a timesink for good reason IMHO.

From my view the market for completely computer integrated hardware has several times the magnitude of that of pure hardware. ALL my analog and VA hardware synths (Moogs, Prophet 6, Microkorg XL etc.) offer that: it’s simply more or less standard nowadays, if you want to reach all kinds of musicians.

A company can decide to keep it as pure hardware, and there are always some musicians who only want to use hardware as it is, especially with live drum boxes. But still, that’s only a fraction of the possible market. Once developed and working, Overbdrige will earn Elektron much more than it costs: it’s a smart investment into their future.

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Tho only hardware synth I know that offers equivalent to Overbridge is the Virus TI.
Just having a VST based editor for a synth is not quite the same thing.


There will be new boxes for sure. After Digitakt Elektron has released four new devices and zero new OB updates. It’s quite clear where their priorities are.

No, Access just were the first.

Both for my Moogs and for the Prophet 6 I have full integration plugins, with audio streams and full controller functionality, which aren’t just Editors/Librarians (those exist as well).

But do you have multiple channels of USB audio?

I think you are right.
Isn’t OB more ambitious than other manufacturers approaches being that it runs as a vst and channels audio through the plugin? So you must deal with so many variables to get it working reliably over different OS versions, different DAW, different sound cards etc.

From what information ive gleamed about OB v1 is that lots of users had issues with latency, things that caused these problems:
Different sample rates
Different latency from host computers audio hardware
Different pc hardware configurations
Software host versions

I guess my thinking was OB could be just the vst “interface” and the audio side could of been handled by the hardware outputs, would of been so much easier.

That’s kind of out of the question though now that Elektron limited the Digi boxes hardware outs because of OB, and now a full digital audio output is the only way to deliver the promised capabilities of those boxes

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The Moogs are monosynths, and the Prophet 6 is not multititimbral.

So that indeed is one difference remaining. But when I betatested, the USB bandwidth for audio streams was not the only or even main problem for development.

Probably not profitable so it will never exist, but a hardware usb breakout box could do the trick.

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