Stereo individual outs?

I don’t have an AR mk2 and it looks like I won’t be getting one. Someone just posted that the individual outs are stereo…please tell me this not happening…

What is the problem?

It’s happened. What’s problem?

I see 8 individual outs, one per voice.

Specs say these outs are impedence balanced.

SOS states such technology makes it possible to use both balanced or unbalanced cables.

No drama needed.

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A little bit of reading on Balanced and Unbalanced Connections


I know what balanced and unbalanced connections are.

This poster on this thread

is saying that the outputs are not mono… which means that using them as mono by hard panning to one channel leaves you with a lower level signal and is just not how drum machine individual outputs are normally implemented… and is more hassle when setting up a kit.

WTF is the point of a stereo bass drum???

But that person is talking about the a4 not the ar. The a4 is not a drum machine and they have since edited the post comparing it to drum machines

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Arghh… Yes they are… I need to stop the internet activity late at night!


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