Superbooth 18

I woke from a fever dream (food poisoning over the weekend), and in my dream i was using one of those multi-colored pens, a promotion from Waldorf. After i woke up i realized it must be a ‘Quantum pen’ from Superbooth, with a choice of Red, Green, Blue, or Turquoise ink! Hey Waldorf – this is not too bad an idea for a show promotion!

What i’m waiting for is for Waldorf to announce at the show that they are adding USB Audio to the Quantum, and adding the saving of ‘frozen’ sounds to the STVC.


ADDED: From the makers of Deckard’s Dream – inspired by the Yamaha CS-80.


Hopefully there’ll be some more info on the upcoming Dreadbox-Polyend collaboration, even though Abyss is the Dreadbox that’s on my mind.


I’m going there mainly to test the Deluge. B-)


I wonder if the OP-Z will be released. People have been saying May and there is apparently a lot of beta testing going on.

6 posts were merged into an existing topic: This OP-Z Music Tutorial is everything

Curious to check and see the Polyend Dreadbox Medusa, also will be checking Elektron for any overbridge news haha, everything on Saturday :wink:

Otherwise I´ll enjoy to have a nice noisy day with good food and hopefully good weather, oh Schneider TM to see and uppps GUS GUS is playing… wow, not sure if I´ll be there that long, depends also on the weather I guess, see ya guys :wink:


I guess not so good weather is better in my case. Don’t want my lovely wife to change plans into an alternative family weekend thingy, n.o.t. that weekend nope. All others yes :dark_sunglasses:

No matter what, I told my family to have a day off, but last year they also had a experimental music playground for children as well. My son really enjoyed it for almost 2 hours.

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Can we hope to see elektron at superbooth 2018 and the new os announcement?

Venerable softsynth dev U-He to debut Eurorack module:

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Either that or they’re releasing a modular style software

My complete guess on this is a two-way CV interface that supports their software synths.

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One comment here claims that U-He “confirmed” that it is a utility module


My guess…Overbridge 2.0 is finished and now they are waiting Superbooth to unveil it. All about marketing and presentation…

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And why Not. I Wish them all success.


Sure, I would have the same attitude like you do about things that I don’t use or need in my studio.

Have a lovely day!

??? What?


I hope the new OS with Dual VCO drops during messe18… erm, I mean superbooth18, seems like elektron is not even attending musikmesse this year.


I hope they will show early stage ( :joy: ) of OB (2.0.0 or 1.20.0) as well …