Synthstrom Audible Deluge [inc. Open Source development]

So, there’s been demonstrations … But We still don’t know how to edit synth or sample or indeed if it actualy samples line signals ?! Apologies if I’ve missed this info.

There’s 4 knobs on the interface without much clue of any actual editing… But loads and loads and loads of features :slight_smile: sounds to me a computer or I pad is gonna be highly beneficial?! Tho that’s less interesting to me with a piece like this.

Reserving my excitement for now tho it looks really nice. :sunny:

You select synth parameter with a dial, and with a press of the dial, you can modify it. You can assign the knobs also to specific functions, but i think a lot of knobs would have make more sense, for better /direct access. At least 8 as seen on the circuit.

Thanks for the info :slight_smile: I have no idea on how much it costs generally to add a knob to a synth but it does seem like a weird place to cut back. Sounds like it works OK as it is but like you say, if have preferred 8 knobs and charge an extra £50 or whatever…

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Add an extra 50 for a couple of more outputs! It better either be quite cheap or offer really nice filters and FX, otherwise it can be limited to fun jamming instead of a serious studio tool.

Still interested though as I’d love to have something that’s between a Circuit and an OT, from all POV’s.


can it do sample-based FM? now that would be interesting!

7 posts were split to a new topic: Sample-based FM on synths

Ok so it is basicaly not usable :confused: It will be one more hardware synth with a great sound engine but which is basicaly un-usable because of the lack of knobs …

Yeah does sound pretty tiresome from that description. Hopefully it’s OK in practise. To be fair I’m more interested in it as a portable (hopefully polyphonic?) sampler + sequencer, the synth is mostly just a bonus to me. As long as it’s pretty quick to sample, trim, sequence… Then I can probably deal with the deeper synth stuff being kind of a pain.

knobs and outputs are not cheap.

to add a knob, you need the circuitry in place to read the knob’s value, you need the CPU cycles to process the value without interfering with the rest of the synth. add to that the cost of more hardware, another drill hole in the case

to add an output you need a DAC, the circuitry and code to support it, the hardware, and another hole in the case.

these things add up, both in cost of manufacturing and in R&D time. especially when you consider the efforts is from a small boutique company, it makes sense to limit obstacles


I would not call it unusable but it is a considerable impedance on workflow. I have an Alesis Micron (a surprisingly good synth) and it has only 1 knob for data manipulation. It’s not ideal, but the pages are laid out so that once you get familiar, it’s not so complicated… just a little tedious.

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I wish there were more info. The idea of editing two parameters at a time on an FM synth sounds like something I wouldn’t be into.

Yeh, I know things aren’t as simple as just bolting on some knobs and outputs! Still, if this thing is close to 1000€, only 2 outputs sounds like saving in the wrong place, especially if the FX aren’t super good.

If it’s closer to the prices of a Circuit or an Electribe, then the lack of outputs and knobs isn’t so bad.

I suppose we’ll see when the price and full feature set is revealed!

Ian came to me the same day as he went to Sternenlicht. He told me the same about parameter locking, microtiming.

I saw only 2 OSC’s. FM is just OSC 1 controlling the OSC2 … for as far I could see.
The device is very nice looking and a good size too!
But I think it will be a massive pain in the ass for deep editing parameters pffft. It’s a shame …
don’t expect to be a low cost device as the novation circuit … definitely NOT. I personaly thinks it will be 1000 euro +
Not sure

But yeah lets wait the video demos and manual. Maybe the editing is done in a logical way
Loved the 8x16 pads and their size.

After last night’s and today’s demo I’m convinced that synthstrom are very in touch with what is needed to offer a very versatile live performance machine. The deep parameter editing is there too, just think of it as a layer under the live perfo UI. Think of it as patching sw modules, then once you’re done, you save your preset and go perform. So with patience, you can go in deep, but the live workflow is prioritized, which is exactly how it should be IMO.
As the firmware is constantly evolving, i think they will have open ears to customer suggestions.
I tested midi sync behaviour as master and slave with OT and that was supertight, this box will play along nicely with other hardware.
All in all, a box full of nice suprises. And yes it can get superfreaky! (Ask my OT how it felt when it got a MIDI clock at 10’000 bpm!)

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Contextual: pressing/holding a button will make an encoder do different things.
But no menu diving as such…
Some learning required, but quick.

Polyphonic sample playback: yes.

Card streaming: not demonstrated, hopefully implemented soon

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That’s a small bummer. I keep hoping for something to quench my silly DX200 groove box lust. But this sounds like the FM that’s in things I already have like the Evolver. The Monomachine is doing a decent job at being the fun FM that I crave, but I’d love a smaller portable thing in that size that can do metallic alien FM sounds in groove box form.

Still - I’m looking forward to official specs and videos as they come out in coming weeks. I still have mixed feelings about the Circuit. It’s just way too clean and shiny sounding for me, but I like the form factor.

Thanks for confirming polyphonic sample tracks for chords/drum machines etc on ‘one track’. Really interested to see this thing in some videos… Hopefully there are timestreching options too when using a sample polyphonically. Some other stuff I’m waiting to find out more on (curious like everyone else about the general UI… Browsing a full memory card for samples for example… Seems like it could be a nightmare on that screen?) but if the price is fair there’s a good chance I’ll pick one up after some user reviews appear…

delete please

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Does your deleting the comment mean that actually it ‘doesnt’ do those things you mentioned?

Or that you’re in trouble for saying it does?