Synthstrom Audible Deluge [inc. Open Source development]

‘i think, for a major developer, to release one box to rule them all, is commercial suicide. you’d get the one and then you’re good. it’s a product strategy that they come in pairs, triples or whatnot. it’s not like the big ones can’t. it’s just that they won’t.’

Hmm! just like the current Elektron strategy…

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I dont think there is such a thing as one box to rule them all as everybody has different needs and uses.

If elektron spent all their resources and made one megabox that could replace all their previous boxes, people would be like “for that amount of money i could get a blablabla etc” or “it still doesnt have x feature, what a dealbreaker” or “why dont they just split the megabox into modular units, i dont wanna overpay for what i dont need”.

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yep yep yep, they don’t like crossover between current machines… which i feel leaves them a little lacking or short. they a company and need to make money. blah.

Anyway sod all that shit I’m listening to Simple Minds.

That Deluge box looks pretty smart though… maybe work out about the same price as that AnalHeat job


I asked ian to come at home in france, not far from lyon if someone is interested? Maybe @LyingDalai?


Hey always good to share the beer :slight_smile:
Let me know the details (PM), I might find some other people as well…


9 posts were split to a new topic: Melody on the MD

11 posts were split to a new topic: 1 box to rule them all

the most important:

Does it (step) parameter lock ???
Does it grid adjust per step?

With grid adjust per step, you mean microtiming?

yes :wink: )

I had my presentation today, the Deluge looked in many respects like a mini Push, with build in synth and sample engine. Unfortunately a lot of the questions could not be answered, as Ian did not knew the answers to them, but he said that those will be answered with the upcoming videos showing in detail the capability of the Deluge.

It looked like a very innovative usage concept, and shows that it its doable to have a Push without computer, and that is very appealing to me. Also the build quality with metal knobs looked very good, i hope the final product will also feature those sturdy knobs.

The step parameter lock is planned with a software update which is currently in the making, so the prototype could not do it currently, but it will be there when the product launches.


Thanks for the update, looks like we’ll have to wait for the official launch/videos.

Recently I’ve been constantly thinking ‘why doesn’t someone just build a standalone push 2?’ so if the UI and browsing etc is OK then I’m in. Obviously also depends on the sound of the synth/s and fx and the general functionality but for the ‘busy dads’ crowd this could be up there with OP-1 for portable all-in-one boxes for sofa jams etc.

What’s most interesting to me - and only to me, I really don’t expect anyone else to find this interesting, so I’m just talking out loud now (again!) - is that this instrument really seems to tick every single goddam box I’ve said I’ve wanted ticked or tickled throughout the years.

Now that it’s potentially here, I just seem to appreciate my single Mother-32 oscillator all the more.

I made this point previously in this thread, but I wonder when we ask for “Aw, if they’d just included that” or “No, they left out that” or “They did what?”, there’s no way we’d be satisfied if all these remaks had been catered for. They’re the projection of something else.

There’s a similar debate going on in the Circuit forum, where this one guy is about to sell his Octatrack and asks for advise - should he or shouldn’t he?

I’m fairly certain these days that our comments on what we’d like or not like in an instrument, regarding features, is just an idea of our frustration how hard it is to make music, and even harder to make good music. We’d like to think that something that nails the workflow just gets that bit out of the way, so that we could focus on the writing. So someone clears the path, “Okay, so it’s out of the way, now get to write”, and you’re sitting there with your shiny new pencil, your blank sheet o’paper, the ink’s all wet, and it’s as hard as it ever was. If not harder.

But this time, you’re out of excuses. And where do you go from there?


Is it easy to edit the synth engine ? I mean it has so many features. … and only four knobs … So im afraid that programming sounds will be awkward.

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Very true. There is a lot to be said for the simplicity but ultimately depth/versatility of what appear to be otherwise simple equipment.

If I understand you correctly, you’re right, there is no single box (and never can be), we are all seeking our own equipment nirvana and no single set-up/desire is the same, or allows us to achieve everything we expect. It’s an endless search… and manufacturers do well out of this :slight_smile:

This is possibly the appeal of simple/single boxes that generate ideas quickly/easily (sequencer/multi-timbral/synth/FX/sampling or whatever combination). Suppose its a matter of trying to select the right blend of gear that enables our own creative freedom/happiness.

My preference is for real-time access to sound parameters, one-knob-per-function etc, but I find the Octatrack a truly inspirational instrument and can live without that in its interface (maybe this a trade off for the nature of it being a sampler). Instead I spend time mapping a controller to the parameters I expect to alter while composing/recording. I still find myself diving into a menu to access something to balance sound during a performance.

It looks as if (and I hope) the Deluge will be in the same category as Octatrack; an alternate hardware take on creating music. If so I’m really interested.

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I agree completely. And I think it’s fine that we keep searching, it’s part of the creative process. There is no ultimate setup for anyone, just versions of what works for you, right now.

In the end, I approached it like this - for ideas, playing, creating and building stuff - more closer to an instrument proper, the keys and the knobs per feature. For putting things together - I don’t mind complexity, such as the Octatrack. I regarded it as my studio, to where I took my instruments to play. But to know what I’d bring to the Octatrack, I had to play a lot first, and that was better suited on a direct and immediate instrument.

Deluge demo in Zürich:

THURSDAY 29 September 21h00

PM for address.

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Any demo coming to the UK?

Can anyone that has seen a demo give a brief description of how the UI deals with synth parameter programming? It is a mass of menu diving or have they made it quick/intuitive?