The Digitakt Feature Request Thread

scale per track would rock - generally I’m happy with the whole pattern being the same length - and then I’ve usually got just one track with longer, slower notes on it.


Can’t comment, but would for sure be nice additions.


ah… OK … wink lol Thanks for all your activity in the forums.


ex Conditional Locks : Constant value LOWER or HIGHER than current LFO value


Conditional locks on any Trig (or Trigless Locks) are only evaluating True/False on whether the whole trig sounds … they only deal in whether a Trig is played


4 posts were split to a new topic: MIDI port capabilities?

"Constant value LOWER or HIGHER than current LFO value"only evaluates true or false

However manual says…
“THRU PORT FUNCTIONALITY selects what type of signal the MIDI THRU port will send. The settings
are the same as for OUT PORT FUNCTIONALITY.”

Anyone have tried using midi thru to controll hardware? :slight_smile:

The “settings” being MIDI, DIN 24, and DIN 48.

If you choose MIDI, the port will act as a MIDI Thru port. None of the DT’s sequencer data will be sent through the MIDI Thru port.

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Yeah true…
… so it’ll be done by thru port of the first synth :wink:

Best not hold your breath :zonked:

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D[quote=“flocked, post:105, topic:39863”]
Naming of all the midi ccs on the midi tracks

Totally agree !!!
Would really make my day :smiley:


yeyea… definitely… some sort of way to store MIDI output setups…

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Well, the track record on this very request for the OT over the years hasn’t borne much fruit yet :wink:

Sure would be handy I agree (like A4 performance macro titles)


It would be very handy, very easy too add (just make it a global setting) and would save a ton of work. Who can remember all the Midi CCs?…It would help to make the digitakt the perfect midi sequencer (don’t wanna get a mpc, love elektrons workflow :slight_smile:

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yea totally, individual track speed multiplier per track would be AWESOME. like on OT.
I wish wish all the boxes had it. really opens things up.


delay/reverb FX on audio inputs


Simon - Can you please let us know what the plan is as far as being able to save pattern chains?

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2 posts were merged into an existing topic: DT bug reports - OS 1.01

+1 !