The Digitakt Feature Request Thread

just a reminder: this is the first available public OS version. Pretty sure things are being added / improved.


you’re right, it is not possible. what they did is having either forward or backward loop so I suppose you can parameterlock this. maybe even better this way - more precise?

I get your point. In a sense, its a very simple machine. I love simple machines, I dont own a modular for this very reason and I also really want to love the DT!
But this somewhat tiny polyphonic midi record feature makes the difference between a powerful device for making music in realtime and/or a machine for intuitive drums and bass only. it would be soooo easy to just allow this and all of a sudden its a freaking powerful machine. thats why I called it a “demo” in reference to software plugins.

keep in mind - we’re talking about stuff which is usual in DAWs since ages. and everything you can do in the DT you can do in any simple DAW’s sampler.

I suppose they underestimated this while deciding what to throw out and what to keep. can be easily resolved though.



Regarding not being able to record chords via Chromatic/External - this looks like a bug, and we are looking into solving it.


This is a feature request thread … supposedly … there’s an awful lot of noise on it … one thing’s certain, that noise isn’t gonna help anyone plough through this thread with any degree of patience, particularly wrt the outbursts … it’s been out a day or two and it’s very clear that everything isn’t in place just yet … fixing os snags is something that seems to follow most product releases, hang in there

Please keep it on topic …

… there are many other threads to discuss current functionality and voice concerns, along with the tedious sales theories :thup:


5 posts were split to a new topic: Off-topic: from DT FR Thread

How about a scale mode additional to the Chromatic mode where the two rows represent 2 octaves of a chosen scale and key.


I’d like to see this along with 1 button chords in chromatic mode. It’s the one thing I’m probably going to miss most form the Korg Electribe Sampler.

  • Automatic silence trimming (or even just manually setting slice points) of recorded audio and saving all samples with a given name + rising number. Would speed up recording multiple drums and other short phrases a lot. Maybe add an option to auto assign the samples to free tracks.

  • A quick sampling function: hold down sampling button and an audio track to quickly record straight to the track. The same auto trimming feature would work wonders here as well.

  • Would be helpful to be able to adjust sample tuning in full note intervals as well as octaves.


Is there transient detection when trimming? Might be useful with the L/R cursor for snapping fast to next/prev transients. If not there already…


Id like the ability to add accent for each step.


French, Italian, Boston, etc… different per step with lfo destination please! :grinning:


I don’t see slicing happening, but maybe allowing quantizing the start point to 1/16th, 1/32nd of the sample length, etc. would be a good compromise.


A slice mode would be really nice. Or at least a way to mark a few start points in a sample.

Also, is there a way to save all the data of the DT onto a computer? If not, it has to be request number one.


Nothing wrong with wanting something like that in 2017.

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Tell Elektron :wink:

  1. usb mass storage : for copying file, project, retrieving sample. usb mass storage will works in ten years and more, so it’s the good protocol

  2. slice : ok multiple start point, end point in a sample

  3. “kit”, not mandatory for a clean pattern, but it can help to decide to create/load a kit. Like a template

  4. a mk2 version with a “standard” sd/cf slot, because, yes, I think, this kind of gear need this, and a lot of french people in a well known french forum, ask a lot of weird question about this weird design choice ?! So yes next time put a emmc chip, but an aditional export/load on sd card. No problem to stop the audio during this export… pleeaaaassse :wink:

  5. and a way to use an external battery for outdoor


Synth engines :slight_smile:


One other thing - a kind of “kit” for the midi tracks. Like in my case I usually want to sequence my drum machine on tracks 1 - 4, then synth A on track 5, synth B on track 6 - 7 etc. An easy way of saving all of this data along with the CCs I usually use would save a lot of time. I could just create a blank pattern and copy it every time I suppose but there’s no way to copy a pattern into a new project, is there?


Don’t own one but if I did would request what I request on every Elektron sequencer product.
Pattern randomisation at the press of a button