Hello all,
I’m looking for a way to manually mute / unmute the volume of a specific track in a live context, without sequencer automation. But let me explain a little bit further !
I am currently working on a live setup using only my Rytm playing back prepared samples on 3 analog voices and use the 5 voices left to sequence Rytm’s internal machines.
For the first song i would like to work on a single pattern lasting 4 bars. I would like to keep my samples (witch last exactly 4 bars) looping along with the sequencer placing a single trig at the beginning and mute and un mute the voices on the fly to arrange the song.
For some reason it seems the mute un-mute functionality in the mute page doesn’t actually mute the volume but only the trigs…For example when i mute a pad this way in the mute page as a long sample is playing, the track volume is not muting until the sample reaches its end.
I know that FUNCTION+VOLUME knobs on the amp page or the sample page can jump between 0 -100 and 127 but this is not ideal in a live context (need to select the track at a time, volume scale isn’t adjustable, you can accidentally jump between 100 and 127…)
Help would be appreciated, thanks a lot !!!