TRG conditions, Parameter change only

Sorry if this is general knowledge, but I just picked up the DT and the manual doesn’t make it really clear nor did I find a specific answer here on search. The question is how do you set X:X conditions to a sample lock (or any other parameter lock)? It seems to me that when using conditions, they will affect any sound being trigged all-together. Can you set conditions to ONLY affect the parameter change, not the actual trig? Easy examples: changing kick drum every 4 cycles, adding a reverb nudge on the hat at the end of a 5 cycles… etc… For the kick example I could chain 2 patterns but, I have a feeling that this is workable somehow? Hope I am right, and sorry again if I missed something obvious.

I don’t think this is possible. Other than by using voice layering as described in this thread: Doctors are furious at this little known Digitone trick!


Hmmm I could have sworn I saw some guy posting how he alternated a sample pitch up and down every few pattern cycles using conditions :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

You can use microtiming to nudge a trig until it plays at the same time as the adjacent trig, then use trig conditions so that only one will play at any given condition. You’ll lose steps in the sequencer to those extra trigs but it’s a way to get alternating stuff going.


oh wow, so you mean making two trigs on a step essentially? and there are 16 available in total? thats brilliant

You would only be able to nudge the two adjacent trigs close enough to the step you want to hear for that to work. So max 3 different sounds/parameters. Still plenty of scope there though.


as they allready sayed.
to add: for this specific example can you leave your original trigg and just set a trigless trig ahead to p-lock some parameters.
works for FX sends.
but won´t work for everything me thinks

edit: good idea btw. ! i´ve never donne that bevore
edit2: strange, it works here right now on one track (BD) but not on the other (SNR )

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trigless trigs are the best fun.

OP’s goal can be achieved if you sequence the DN from external MIDI and set up your lock trigs (aka trigless trigs or trigless locks etc) to be 1/384 microtime nudged after/later than the grid point :metal:

hey, sequencer related question here… Is there a way to trig condition a parameter only when there is a note trigger on that step already ? The note must be there always just want a delay send only 10% or so. <Func+step> isn’t the way because my note won’t be triggered anymore…

You could use two trigs right next to each other. Set the first one with the note and no delay as usual, but set it to TRC 90%, then put down the second trig right after with the same note, microtime it back as far as possible, p-lock your delay setting, then set the trig to TRC Not Pre (Pre with a line). This effectively gives you 10% chance of delay.


Thanks, but what if there is a note trigger before and after the step too, the percentage was just as example.

In that case, then, no is your answer. Sorry I couldn’t be of more help :slight_smile:

Thanks anyway, gonna feature request it…

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Was going to say, I think you can also do this with trigless locks, so long as the trigless trig is microtimed to be at the same time as the trig before it.

Alternatively, you could do some midi self-patching and use a midi track to effect the delay amount CC of the track you want, along with a bunch of other stuff.

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That’s a good idea. Using midi trig conditions and midi loopback, or else another probabilistic sequencer to fire over CC changes randomly. Any good for you, @RafaelK?

Set 2x speed for the track and rearrange steps if both steps before and after are reserved. I did this in similar situation but rearrange takes a few copy-paste actions which is not very elegant solution.

Midiloopback sounds very interesting, I was thinking about this solution last time when I was in need for a third lfo. So a bridge between midi in & out ? Never tried it before honestly

Yep, a midi cable from Midi Out to Midi In, go nuts! Just note that midi LFOs are lower resolution than the LFOs on internal tracks :slight_smile:

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