So I’ve been using my digitakt for the last few months. It’s a wonderful bit of kit and I have spent a ridiculous amount of hours getting lost in the depths of it. The thing is like a blackhole when it comes to time, what feels like 10 minutes turns out to be 2 hours. I just had to put that out there.
Anyway, I purchased and received a digitone to pair with the digitakt back in February and they work fantastically together. The combination is super immediate and versatile when it comes to making beats and writing melodies. However, I’ve reached a point where I’m thinking I could do with a couple more sample tracks. Would it be more wise to purchase an Octatrack and run the DT/DN into the AB/CD inputs or should I just buy another DT? I’m so in love with the DT that I would buy another in a heartbeat, however the Octatrack could also yield interesting results. What would be the pros and cons of buying the OT versus another DT in this specific case? Has anyone had this dilemma? I’d like to hear from you guys! Perhaps @Dataline or @Ess could also weigh in. Thanks