I used an old post by Creepy Pants on old Bome Forum (now replaced with new Bome forum)
to create a script which I then uploaded to a newly purchased Bome Box.
This is then driven by the Pyramid Sequencer.
So I have the Pyramid triggering the sample slices on the Octatrack via midi. No more four bar loops ! I can now extend the sequences I play on the Octatrack. Most functionality still retained (more than I thought such as rate etc)
Bome script attached.
Bome Box highly recommended. Have stopped using Computer for writing music… only for mix down (and as a result have switched from Ableton to Reaper)
If U do buy a Bome Box get a decent POE power supply cos I didn’t have much fun with my dodgy old phone USB oneOcatrackSliceTriggerLaunchpadProCh11Part1.bmtp (1.9 KB)