Short term solution for the AR octave offset.
Dial the OSC’s tuning back 2 octaves on the synth you want the AR to sequence.
Unfortunately it doesn’t work if you play / record with pads. The offset is still there when notes are played by the sequencer.
Edit : unless you change again your synth settings, maybe that’s what you meant…
Yeh. What I mean is on my Toraiz AS1 I retuned the OSC’s back 2 octaves.
You posted that A4 with the new firmware sends a note off message right before note on. I think it was yesterday…can‘t find the post and I wanted to check before replying.
I haven‘t updated to the new firmware, yet (have to backup a few older projects first) but I‘ve noticed the same with my AK in midi mode some time ago.
I‘ve checked again with a midi monitor and yes, each time I hit a key, there‘s a note off message right before the note on.
Analog Rytm MK1 OS1.50 [FUNCTION] + [TRACK] open the KIT menu instead of the GLOBAL menu 2 times on 3. I didn’t try to open a new project yet to know if the problem is still there.
I have found my answer on other post: “Function + Tap Track” & “Function + Hold Track” do different things.
It’s not kit menu but project menu…
Yes, if the Length is set to INF.
Releasing inf note via MIDI on A4 MKI
Apologies if this was already asked, I did read through the thread but couldn’t find it here.
On my A4Mk1 wanting to take advantage of the new MIDI OUT feature, I seem to be unable to control the CV and FX tracks with my Keystep, i.e. the notes are not passed through to the two Dreadbox synths that are controlled from those tracks.
When I use the A4 key buttons to play the synth, the Dreadboxes work just fine.
So I am wondering, is this a limitation of the MIDI OUT feature (i.e. Midi not passed through from a midi keyboard to an external synth via FX track and CV track) or am I missing something?
Otherwise, really awesome to enjoy the new features, makes a great machine even greater!
EDIT: I should add that when I am using CV via the CV Track to control eg the Erebus, I can play the synth from my midi keyboard, so works there…
mentioned above and in bugs threads
ticketed as a bug for all the analogs with New MIDI functionality
In case anyone read my post on the Rev2 and its bi-trimbrality and the challenge of getting the A4 to work with that, and even more unlikely actually cared (the combo A4 + Rev2 is most likely an unlikely one
, I figured it out and got it to work.
No idea how. But I used the positive force of a panic attack and pushed all kinds of buttons and tweaked midi-related settings to no end, and now it works really great. Four tracks of A4 and two tracks of polyphone Sequential stuff, playing in tandem. Lovely.
Wonderful! Although I see the arp does not send MIDI output, which is a bummer. I am sure that they know about this, I hope this will be fixed soon!
Does anybody know how that feature works? Settings and stuff?
I can not find in the Manual. Thanks
Page 44 of the latest manual
10.9.6 SEND MIDI
Will, when checked, send the tracks note on/off (NOTE, LEN) and VELOCITY, sequencer data to the Analog Four MKII’s MIDI OUT for control of external MIDI devices. The MIDI data is sent on the track’s MIDI channel that is set in the CHANNELS menu. For more information, please see “12.5.3 CHANNELS” on page 58.
• If TRK SEND MIDI is checked, the track sends the sequencer data both externally over MIDI and internally to the tracks sound.
• Only sequencer data for note on/off (NOT, LEN) and VEL parameters are sent over MIDI.
Holy fuck that is bad design. As if Elektrons needed more complicated shortcuts. The “short” tap needs to be super quick - I cannot seem to be as fast as juniors these days.
Really nice update, but presumably the A4/Rytm could have had these features from day one?
I can’t get chromatic mode to work after update. did I miss a setting somewhere of the tonal keys sending different pitch?
Works for me. Maybe chromatic mode got disabled at some point?
Great update!
My analog MK 2 duo became the control center of my all devices, hope midi function could be enforceable in the future update parameter lock could be midi CC lock
Don’t suppose they have added arpeggiator param locks in this release?
Arp parameter locking is not implemented
Has anyone used midi out sequences in multimap mode for AK/A4? I got an AK but haven’t looked at this yet, hoping it should work?