Analog Rytm OS 1.70 Upgrade

Well basically i have 30 odd steps not actually doing anything which doesn’t seem right. I share loads of my patches so I’m wondering if it’s normal behaviour/bug or i messed my calibration up.

Yeah the tail on mine gets shorter which is fair enough, but the pitch definitely stops going up at 36. It just stays the same.

It can go super low and high on other machines finally, which is amazing. Kinda feel my toms got lost in the calibration maybe.

Certainly there is a limit how high you can pitch an oscillator with some synths. Not theoretically, but what the designer’s mind thought makes sense technically or musically. Just guessing. Some official clarification might be useful.

here’s how they sound on my rytm:

BT tune 36 to 63

XT tune 36 to 63

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So is that full low to full high?
My toms go from -64 to +63
Mine definitely don’t sound like that :joy:

Mine are like low flapping speaker cone on the lowest, and cap at 36

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no, that’s 36+, i.e. 36 and higher to 63
I can record full range from -63 but just wanted to illustrate that it should react to pitch above 36


Right, yeah mine is definitely wrong then. Thanks so much for recording these.

I guess some recalibration is needed for mine. It just sounded way off on the lows, i was like, no synth designer would choose to go that long and cap the highs.

Cheers :black_heart:

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I had it on for 2 hours, cooled for 20 mins, re-run calibration and the only stuff it showed is the XDTUNE. So I’m assuming it knew what wasn’t right and sorted it.

Yet to test it but suspect it’s sorted my tuning issue.

Edit: Yep!! Tuning works from crazy low to high, including those last + 36.

Sweet. Thanks


Alright, thanks @waftlord

My Mk1 has never been put away, never put up for sale and always used. Always loved it, now waiting with my tiny Mk1 screen.


Are the high resolution sample start and end supported on MKI?

Yes, they are, although the screen doesn’t support it, you can see it in Overbridge!



I’m pretty sure that one time I committed euclidean generator to trigs and some trigs had probability set for them, like 1:2 or 2:2, and I can’t remember how I got there or what kind of sorcery was it. anyone has idea what makes the euclidean to do trig conditions?
or am I tripping and it’s not even possible and I just made it all up?

you can p-lock any normal TRCs (in EUC mode) or inherit any normal TRCs (from non-euclidean step mode), but it wouldn’t happen by random (unless a bizarre bug)


I finally got around to doing a video with the new OS for those of you who might be interested.

TLDR; love it.


who’s tried using the HH LAB for basslines?

it’s a mad one, can be almost like it’s not there but still very present. unique rytm business.


In Euclidean mode, hold a a purple collered trig, go back to the first TRIG page, change the PRB parameter. Easy.

yeah I know I can p-lock the euclidean trigs same way as normal ones, for some reason I though I managed to generate it though while committing, probably had some p-locks that I forgot I already did.

yes! it’s a very cool thin weird synth if using only couple of oscillators, I think that RS HARD also been improved and it can get real nasty as powerful bass too.


Genuine question: Syntakt has several analog machines from Rytm, right? So, are they the exact same machines in terms of sounds/parameters? Because hearing people talk about Rytm sounding tighter/easier to tune after the update, does that mean Syntakt needs a similar recalibration to be on par with Rytm or were the analog machines in Syntakt already sounding “better” than pre-upgrade Rytm?

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