I love my OT more than a fat kid loves cake, but I def. see where it’s a bit limited. I’d want more tracks and sample polyphony. More FLEX sample space would be great, too, along with pitching samples more than 2 octaves if possible. Lastly, I’d LOVE to be able to play slices on a MIDI keyboard. That’d be super cool.
I’m in the process of replacing the stock LCD with an OLED display.
Will have pics soon.
PM me if you are interested in more details. I will be offering a kit of sorts, as well as upgrade service for folks on the US West Coast whom are interested in the upgrade but lack electronics skills.
Definitely interested in seeing the kit when ready. Norcal checking in…
OT 2 the elusive Unicorn …
Noritake VFD Display is highly visible in any light, and from any angle. a vast improvement over the LCD module.
(edit: details)
That looks pretty sweet…
Then… what the price of this “operation”… + Warranty with Elektron (probably lost when the modification is done… i imagine…) But it’s cool. Probably better in Red (or white, green the colors already on OT serigraphy)
Yeah, green might be nice, hard to tell without seeing it… Would be awesome if you had a control to change colors…
The screen is made by Noritake in Japan. It is not a direct drop in mod, and should not be attempted if you don’t have advanced electronics skills. You have to modify the OT power-supply to provide the proper amperage and voltage to the OLED module.
If your OT is still under Elektron warranty, this will most certainly VOID it. Your call.
Not sure it’s been mentioned in this thread, but it would be great to have an OT2 with a lot of the above features but also a USB host mode and the ability for other Elektron gear to USB stereo audio into them and use as a mixer… Obviously would depend on if the firmware of the other devices could be updated to output that way… I still feel the ‘mixer’ aspect is most lacking in a tabletop setup.
Oh man my eyes are hurting. That is hideous. Looks like my toilet bowl after a bender
Ahh that’s better. Awesome
cool, defo gonna buy it now
I’m interested for my A4 and Octa do you still offer the kits?
Elektron released the MKii series, that all use OLED displays (although slightly smaller dimension)
Are you willing to share the part # of the OLED you used?
Yep, also interested!
Just one more try? Anyway you’d share the part number of the OLED you used?
im also interestet, any info on the part number?