Ah! I’ve only watched a couple of vids but that’s great, good luck to him, he has genuine character.
I wasn’t for one second suggesting silver spoon but it’s good to see someone so young doing his thing…
Oh, I wasn’t suggesting that. I was just saying it because it illustrates his creativity. He’s totally punk, finding hacks and other ways to make stuff work. He totally does seem like a genuine guy. If you are the podcasting type, check out his (Sam Battle) on Darwin Grosse’s podcast (Art + Music + Technology). Beans on toast!
Oh no man don’t worry, I wasn’t suggesting you were suggesting I’d suggested that , I was just cleaning my own doorstep!
He really does seem like the kind of guy that is truly into what he does, I love that, he’s not doing it for followers and likes and all that poisonous shit.
I will make time for those podcasts to learn more, thanks for that!
Not sure the world needs more Drumbrute Impact videos after yesterday’s onslaught but here we are.
I take back what I said earlier about it’s size…
It farking HUGE!
Maybe it’s me but it still feels like a second hand market kind of buy (if).
They should do a version with just the kick and then 7 voices of that FM engine tbh.
The manual for the DBI and the Midi Control Center is here.
One thing i see in the manual is how they store Color vs Accent parameters for each part. Accents are different velocity values, and the Color are two different midi notes.
If there was parameter locking on the FM parameters – then one FM voice would be enough for me. I don’t think there’s any “parameter locking” except in the sense of Color and Accent. Those two are enough with the drums but i’d want more with the FM voice.
Or did i miss a way you can do this?
I like that the Impact is a distilled version that sounds better, but when choosing what sounds to keep, I would’ve preferred any sound other than the cowbell.
The cowbell is good for cows! Fortunately the Type button changes it to Cymbal – though there is no Color function for these two – i think these are the only ones that don’t have a Color switch.
Do they share the same circuitry? If so, I’d always have it set to cymbal I guess.
Whether they share circuitry or not is unclear – but they are mutually exclusive. So unless there are cows around cymbals only for me too. There is also the level control set to zero option.
Cool but I am waiting for the MFB Tanzbar v2 to launch. That promises to be the best upcoming drum machine next to the future Soma Pulsar-23.
Wandering off topic -- About a 7 FM voice synth.
finalform – You got me thinking, what if there was an analog synth with 7 (or 8) FM voices, that was like the RYTM, specifically built with asymmetric analog machines and parameter locking, so that some were simple 2 operator FM, and others with different numbers and topologies of operators, and some with other features? Fun idea anyway.
6 would be the nord drum 2
They’re both incredibly nice – actually beyond that. But the DBI is $350.
Which get’s me to thinking, what is the competition to the DBI? For starters, though it’s slightly different is the Novation Circuit. What else.
gosh darn it, now I will have to build a lunchbox modular drum setup!
Looks and sounds nice! I thought the kick in the original model was a little on the weak side, so I really didn’t pay a lot of attention to it. I’m sure it’s a nice machine overall though. Sounds like they’ve addressed that here with the color and distortion options. Quite a nice price too for the overall package. I’m initially pretty impressed.
I need another drum machine like I need a whole in my head, but I’ll keep an eye on this one.