Bass Fundament of the AR Machines

I can hear the “clicks” on your tune. Never noticed this on my AR no matter how Heavy “scening” is going on.
May you locked sample parameters? Or envelopes? Also when doing Heavy parameter locks on FX Setting it can develop some artifacts…

Just put it through an oscilloscope (lots of software ones available) so you can see what you can’t hear, but from everything I’ve heard from the RYTM, I would not be worried about bottom end!

I find the rule of thumb is produce to monitors master to your car stereo.

Hello guys i experience the same with my AR

I dont have monitors yet but when i m listening in my headphones (Sennheiser hd280) i can feel all that fat addictive low end penetrating my brain but when i m plugging AR to my soundsystem (focal chorus V / audiolab 8000Q & 2x 8000M) all that warm low end is gone…and believe me that speakers are HUGE when it comes to bass!

But when playing AR it sounds like i plugged in some kitchen pots and threw stones inside…

Also the reverb is completely lost and have to raise it at full level in the AR to hear just a bit from my speakers…

I m not a sound tech champ and i would appreciate some help :slight_smile:

my signal path is directly from AR main outputs (not individual track outputs) to audiolab’s 8000Q pre-amp inputs)


TSUTEK answered all this, i’d say.

If you don’t hear the RYTM’s bass,
then play long notes on the kick
And sweep the tuning down.

this should show you the lower limit of your speakers
And if they got a bump in their freq curve.

The bass of the RYTM is FAT. To question this … How dare you!


Get some good monitors - that’s basic stuff when you make music.

The A4? Hell yes. The A4 is completely weak on low end…

Then you don’t know how to use it

Or, for pure listening fun, get 2 nice fullrange pa speakers or similar.

I love to play over an old tube head with a 15" cab.

Not hifi. But smacky sound :slight_smile:

Great for re-amping !

Thanks guys!

My concern is that with the same speakers/setup the Korg volca beats are shaking the walls (with a little bit of added decay)
Before i bought the AR was plugging the Volcas directly to pre-amp or/and to A4’s inputs and routing as above and had no difference in sound except the minor added decay

I tried to play long notes as you advised but nothing changed, in addition to that when i m tuning down the BD it makes the sound much thinner than fatter…under the -25 the low end sounds like it gets lost in the way…actually the fatter range is between -15 to -25 and that is also audible both in headphones and speakers as well.

And what about the reverb?

Definately! but i m travelling ALL the time and mainly i jam with my headphones on, i just want to ensure that i m not doing smthg wrong with my setup, for exampe when i was using volca beats i knew that back home i will have to raise a bit the decay and some times the volume of the hi hats but that was all :slight_smile:

It is entirely you.
the Rytm has TONS of sub
When I practice, I can turn the bass eq on my mixer -15db and still have the subs thumping on my monitors
When I played on a large PA with Meyer subs, it sounded massive.
You will learn to balance levels in time.
But make no mistake, there is no lack of sub on the Rytm.

compare both machines on good monitors, that can go down LOW.
Then you’ll see.
Ps i just adviced long notes on th RYTM for sweeping through the bass frequencies.
Not all the time for all tracks You gonna make.