Behringer EDGE : semi-modular percussion synth

Is this video activity a coincidence with Thomann making the Edge available for pre-order, and then withdrawing that listing as an error ? SynthAnatomy reported this, and wondered about a larger significance.

If you want to chat about a possible greater significance, the Behringer Gear In Progress thread, is a good place for that.

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You just described every music making session of mine ever.


What are those? :open_mouth:

The best one is the Analog Four, it’s like four DFAMS. I’m making a video about that soon :stuck_out_tongue:

Those were my first two tries (each just one track):


Was this one finally released?

I don’t think so. It looks like it was ready for release about 4-6 weeks back, but I’ve not seen it for sale or advertised anywhere since then. I got a DFAM instead 12months back as I was fed up waiting for the EDGE to be released.

Seems to be available for preorder now.

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New promo video said they lowered the price to $199. USD

“shipping now” image

Are there any other differences to dfam than midi and clock divisions? It´s an exact clone, right?

Wow Andertons pulling out the monopoly board with their 199GBP price right there

That’ll be sorted when Amazon get them in- from experience there’s early adopter pain getting in early there, like > 50% above the steady state price it got to … wtf!

exact as in this sense of the word maybe

who knows, being a clone isn’t the important bit imho, is it enjoyable as it is (divorced from its origins) for its cost

i’m in, but not at andertons, yet !


Ok, this needs a smilie :joy:

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this sounds quite good and the price is enticing.
however I find it so very ugly! shallow I know…

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Not claiming any influence on this of course, but that literally just dropped 40 in the last 30 minutes :content:

159 GBP is only now in line 1:1 at least with its $ retail cost

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Ha ha! So true :laughing:

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Maybe its just the person demoing it… but i cant really hear any semblance of DFAM in it…
I think there are some really cool sounds in there. but it doesn’t sound like a 1to1 replica imo.
Im no DFAM connoisseur though

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Yeah. Sounds more… edge-y.


that’s teh person you are asking

is the DFAM a device with a restricted palette of sounds such that all users will convey that signature, it is a synth after all … not necessarily an issue if it doesn’t recreate its palette so long as it has a decent (or at least broad) palette of its own

crave may be far from a m32 but it has a good bang to buck for its own palette however it compares

it’ll be useful to hear more folk use it in the wild although i’ve noted before that @colectivo_triangular (aka limbic bits) can generally be relied upon to reveal the interesting facets of a synth that others don’t show, not listened to this one yet

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