Similar to what I own them… Next I want to include a Expert Sleepers General CV ( GM module and CV to midi converter)and send/return module for external fx, I wanted to add the behringer System 100 mixer module ( 4 in, master and headphone out)but they modified tje original dedign including the EQ and now us too big
I told myself that when I picked up an 84hp and mutant brain to use with my dfam and neutron. I now have two 84hp and they are both close to being full… in the span of about four months. Don’t watch DivKid videos. Ben makes everything sound awesome and he lays out all of the little tricks modules can do.
But seriously, I am done now for a while. I do not need another filter. I do not need more modulation.
If you have guitar pedals laying around, consider an ALM S.B.G. pedal interface. My insatiable desire for modules was lessened by letting me plug my pedals into the modular. It’s cool!
Edit: looks like I jumbled two posts together and you’re grabbing the Behringer case. Cool and stay safe!
Thx! Will take a look at the ALM solution. Had this one on the radar:
Had that one, sold it because my case was full and now I want it back, there are other alternatives though.
To give some detail on the diverse set of Behringer Modules – i surveyed which of the Behringer Eurorack Modules are currently in stores for pre-order. (Hopefully i’m not off-topic here.)
I checked Sweetwater, Perfect Circuit, and Thomann – and list prices in USD. There is some real variation in these prices right now so check around. I put a question mark next to prices that i found at only one source.
I’d expect to see Behringer adding to the list of available modules in the near future. is a good source for information on these modules.
The Model 100 Series (in a grey color)
- 121 Dual VCF $100
- 130 Dual VCA $100
- 140 Dual Envelope/LFO $100
- 150 Ring Mod/Noise/S&H/LFO $80
- 173 Quad Gate/Multiples $80
The Moog 55, 35, 15 Series (in a black color)
- 902 VCA $60
- 903A Random Signal Generator $60
- 904A VC Low Pass Filter $100?
- 904B VC High Pass Filter $100?
- 911 Envelope Generator $60
- 911A Dual Trigger Delay $60
- 914 Fixed Filter Bank $100?
- 921 VC Oscillator $100
- 921A Oscillator Driver $80
- 923 Filters $80
- 961 Interface $80
- 962 Sequential Switch $60
- 992 Control Voltages $60
- 994 Multiples $30
- 995 Attenuators $60
- CP3A-O OSC Controller $60?
- CP3A-M Mixer $80
- CP35 Attenuators $90?
So that’s 23 modules for now.
Hmmm the Model 100 modules or rather Behringer s 2600?
Decisions decisions
(not knowing the price on the B -2600) or perhaps some combination of the two !
You can get very good value second hand, check modular grid.
I paid 100€ for my Mutable Instruments Veils Quad VCA, 90€ for MI Peaks( an amazing LFO), 50€ for MI links and 60€ for MI Kinks; some modules from dreadbox, Ladik and others are well under 100$/€.
A Korg SQ1 can be bought for 60-70€ and is way better than the system 100 sequencer.Also works as Midi to CV converter. I had mine in my rack, 3€ DIY project
I was very excited about behringer modules; now I am not excited at all…
With doepfer, ladik, dreadbox… and some good second hand deals or small DIY soldering projects (if I ever have time for that) there is not really a big price gap with the B modules.
they are definitely in the normal price range and especially with the system 55, which tends to be really basic in functionality I can‘t see a real competition or aggressive marketing moves, every basic doepfer module has more functions, thru hole components and made in a company of four people, dieter doepfer included and they are cheaper as well
I’ve created a new thread – Inexpensive Eurorack Hardware Options as the place to discuss all the different hardware alternatives for inexpensive Eurorack.
EDIT: I changed the name of the thread, so updated it here too.
New videos from Behringer about three of their new system 55 / 35 / 15 modules:
They’re doing a nice job with these videos, very quickly describing the basics of each module, without going into a lot of promotion.
The multiples is a passive one, I use these Y cables as 1-2 passive multis and these volca sync splitters as 1-4 passive multies
the custom firmware is now open source and adds a lot of tweaks and especially a two voice 5 note polyphonic digital engine from the LFO output.
here’s the manual! wow
Installation supported only from Windows OS using STM DfuSe Utility. You can download it from the official ST semi webpage.
Installation is completely safe. It is made through internal STM USB bootloader, that can not be erased or corrupted with wrong steps. However don’t wait for any support, if you made something wrong.
There are 2 types of incompatible bootloader drivers - Zadig, that is used by Behringer and ST, that is used by DfuSe.
To switch to ST drivers, connect Neutron in bootloader mode, go to Devices panel, find STM32 BOOTLOADER and delete it with files, then reconnect Neutron and Windows installs ST drivers automatically. Or you can manually install ST driver from DfuSe folder.
Run Dfuse, check, that STM Device in DFU Mode present in Available DFU Devices
If you want to save current firmware before experimenting, press “Choose” button in “Upload Action” block and select new file name and location, then press Upload to fill that file with dump. Now you got firmware dump, that you can upload back anytime.
In “Upgrade or Verify” block select firmware that you want to load by pressing “Choose”. Press “Upgrade”. Reboot Neutron after completion.
If you install this firmware with DfuSe, than you need to retune. DfuSe erases all memory with the previous calibration.
You can return by using dump file and DfuSe or by using Behringer updater utility.
To switch to Zadig just use firmware update manual from Behringer.
After returning to original Behringer firmware through Updater utility you need to recalibrate pots:
on 1.x firmwares power on holding ìOSC SYNCî + ìPARAPHONICî + ìKEY TRKî
on 2.x firmwares it starts automatically
Calibration mode indicates by LFO LEDs pulsating pattern.
Disconnect all patches from the panel and Turn:
OSC1 SHAPE pot fully to LEFT
OSC2 SHAPE pot fully to RIGHT
LFO SHAPE pot fully to RIGHT
LFO RATE pot fully to RIGHT
PORTA TIME pot fully to RIGHT
When this is done press VCF ìMODEî + LFO ìKEY SYNCî simultaneously.
Neutron will restart. And you will get the same Neutron as it was before.
When you press any button, all available key combinations are flashed.
LFO_RATE and LFO_SHAPE knobs are multi-functional, but lfo rate and shape keep unchanged while tweaking sub-parameters. Sometimes it needed to turn it back to value to switch back to normal mode. It is done to prevent parameters jump.
If you want to tune your Neutron properly, please remember that it is better to do it at least 30 min after power on. All environment changes may affect tuning. There are automatic tuning procedures for individual oscs, however if you want some experimenting, or enjoy old school techniques, or think that you capable of measuring frequencies better than 64bit floating point code, there are manual tuning available.
This firmware does not mute output in any circumstances, so you can hear autotuning process.
Keep in ming, that there are 2 dacs for each oscillator, so 4 dacs for 2 oscs total.
- One dac is for octave switching and absolute pitch offset.
- Second is for midi notes, glide and pitchbend.
There are also two trim pots on the back of the PCB in the oscillator section, that controls V/Oct scale of cv inputs. They must be tuned to 1.000V/oct, by connecting a calibrated voltage source to OSC cv inputs. Neutron has individual and combined inputs. they slightly differ, so it is better to tune it from an input, which you prefer to use in future. Warm room and preheat recommended.
Tune one osc - press FLT_KEYTRAK while holding osc’s RANGE.
Tune both - press FLT_KEYTRAK while holding both RANGE buttons.
Wide range knob mode can be switched by pressing opposite osc’s RANGE while holding RANGE.
Octaves can be switched independently of knob range.
CV and knob modulation can be switched off by pressing RANGE while holding PARAPHONIC. It switches automatically with paraphonic mode.
You can adjust portamento for each osc separately. Just hold RANGE button while turning PORTAMENTO pot to a preferred value. Turning it without RANGE sets the same porta for both oscs.
Osc edit mode:
Press PARAPHONIC while holding RANGE to enter that mode.
press PARAPHONIC to exit.
Press FLT_KEYTRACK to run auto-tuning and exit from edit mode.
There are 4 “pages” in this mode, that can be cycled continuously with OSC_SYNC:
- 1st page is pitch wheel range - edit mode always starts from this page
you can set semitones from 0 to 12 with LFO_SHAPE knob, osc range leds indicate this number in binary by two bits from bottom to top. Synth remains playable, can be set by ear. - 2nd page - octave switch dac scale adjust. This is same as turning v/oct trim on other synths while playing octaves on keyboard, but this time octaves are switched with LFO_SHAPE and conversion coefficient adjusted by pressing OSC1_RANGE (decrease) or OSC2_RANGE (increase).
- 3rd page - notes dac - same as previous, but for midi-cv pitch dac.
- 4th page - absolute tune offset. This step must be done only after you happy with both scales, you must tune A440 pitch. Switch the nearest octave with LFO_SHAPE, and tune with OSC_RANGE keys.
After 4th page, it switches back to 1st.
You can run automatic tuning or exit from any page.
Exit with PARAPHONIC and don’t forget to save parameters to flash.
Normally tuning not needed, but now you can quench your thirst for perfectionism.
Filter edit mode = PARAPHONIC holding FILTER_MODE - use it to fine-tune key track scale.
Same as oscillators, but this time only one page - scale trim.
Set resonance to the max and disable oscillators by patching unconnected wire to filter input. Set better range with a Cutoff knob.
hold OSC_SYNC and press…
- LFO_SYNC to switch envelope restart mode.
- OSC_RANGE to switch Assign output modes: osc1, osc2, velocity, mod wheel, aftertouch. Lfo leds will indicate mode.
- FLT_KEYTRACK to enter Assign edit mode - 2 pages - scale and offset.
This output only 0 to 5V. If oscillator’s pitch is higher, octaves will be subtracted until it enters the range.
hold LFO_SYNC and press…
- OSC_RANGE to switch lfo modes.
- OSC_SYNC to switch to MIDI sync mode.
- FILTER_MODE to select sync edge of ext input /, , or both /. Falling edge adds 180 degrees to retrig phase.
hold LFO_SYNC and turn…
- LFO_RATE to manually shift lfo phase from 0 to 360 degrees (To prevent jumps, You must first turn it to previously adjusted value)
- LFO_SHAPE to set retrig phase. (This one jumps as soon as you touch knob, but switching it back to shape needs to previously adjusted value)
Although phase can be shifted with LFO_RATE, that is also controlled by appropriate cv input, don’t expect to get good phasemod synthesis, since phase setting sampling frequency is limited.
1 - classic Neutron lfo
2 - Assign2 SHAPE - switch osc1/breathCC/velo/modwh/afttch. Attenuate with RATE
3 - Monophonic oscillator, same pitch as OSC2. Use KEY_SYNC to switch LFO_RATE range mode.
4 - Polyphonic 5 voice.
5 - Attenuverter that multiplies Rate by Shape. KEY_SYNC switches saturation or overflow mode.
Poly mode:
There are 5 voices, 2 oscillators + amplitude A-R envelope each.
You can adjust 4 Parameters in total with LFO knobs and button.
When LFO_SYNC is lit, SHAPE stands for PWM-Detune, and RATE for A and R
When unlit, SHAPE - osc2 amplitude and RATE - only R.
There are Additional paraphony “Pad mode” - gate starts only on the second note, but oscillators keep the last interval after keys releasing. Good for pads with the long release.
By entering any paraphonic mode, oscillator modulations switched off and switched back on by exiting. Both can be manually switched to any desired state from any mode.
All synth parameters - calibration, octaves, sync… are saved at once. To do this press OSC_SYNC while holding PARAPHONIC. Neutron will blink all leds. On next power on you will get the same state.
In case something goes wrong there are reset procedure - PARAPHONIC + OSC_SYNC + KEYTRACK = all parameters to default.
I hope you have fun with this firmware, please tell me if you found some bugs or want some features. You can find me on GS or MW forums under “mrf” nick.
! Big thanks to Gearslutz user AndyHornBlower for beta testing and advice. You really helped push development to the current state!
And thanks Uli for bringing synths to masses.
SPECS and facts:
Sampling frequencies:
ADC Sampling - 48000 Hz
OSC SHAPE - 6000 Hz mixing / 48000 Hz switching
LFO Output - 48000 Hz
Portamento - 3000 Hz
For now, sources are closed
Midi synchronization is phase-locked.
All alias suppressing was done with parabolic transient smoothing.
All synth related code is written from scratch in SW4STM32 (Eclipse)
All maths developed in Gnumeric
LFO classic and mono code is ~3500 lines after preprocessor
CPU utilization peaks at 947 cycles from 1000 available (lfo synth with ext sync)
Basic debugging was made in Reaktor, hardcore debugging made on Axoloti (i highly recommend).
1.5f is the final version of lfo synthesis. Next versions will add USB or other lfo modes, but now i move to other projects, so don’t wait.
Almost all announced modules are now in stock at Thomann.
And the Eurorack Go case is back in stock.
I’m seriously tempted to build a B System 100.
What do you think that will run you (in cost) ?
Not sure? I’ve not sat down and worked it out. I’ll need a case then start with the bare bones VCO/VCF/VCA/EG/LFO… im guessing that’s gonna be getting off for £500? But that’s a fag packet calculation. I see the modules are around the £80 mark on average. Prob got with a B case for starters. I know it’s famous last words but I’m not planning on going full on modular, I’d just like to build a standardish 100, akin to one of the Roland originals in terms of module count. Still tyre kicking until I see a few vids of those modules and gauge reaction.
Nothing against the Moog style ones they’re doing, I’ve just always fancied a 100.