Behringer Groove Key

Project names, and even product names, are fluid at Behringer. ( My latest post in the Gear in Progress thread, is another name change, and some nice engineering changes too. ) So i don’t put much stock in the current name, this is a long way from a living product.

As far as it goes, the name is descriptive, and shows a product intent, that distinguishes this. It’s a groovebox / key-controller so the name fits in that sense. The printing on a case and product box can change very, very late in the design, ( i’ve done that on projects myself ) and is one of Behringer corporation’s central ways of working. Create a straw-man, measure reaction and then adjust. It’s called open design.

I wouldn’t fault Behringer synths on product engineering though. On innovation — that focus is often lacking. But this one is much more innovative, when compared to the Swing.

NOTE : Judging from the way the LEDs are lit in the picture, i’m presuming the filter and effects parts are later additions to the design, and probably have a fair amount of work left to do. Given Behringer’s engineering practices though, they will be able to pull over already designed component parts from other designs and incorporate those.

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