Did you ever try an Electrix Repeater, amazing looper.
There’s the rub.
Seems good, but I prefer stereo recording.
Maybe you missed that question :
Whenever I mention Pure Data to my wife I have to add to it “you know, the one with all the lines on the screen” … the look on her face is not a good one.
I also find that more than 2 is unmanageable for my feeble brain. I love any combination of A4/OT/MDUW. Am waiting a few more days to make the Digi pair combo. My preference so far has been to focus on one machine at a time through the Heat, truth be told.
I sold the SFX-6 too, loved it but the space was an issue, don’t have room for keyboards anymore. I’d probably get a Digitone but not until the OS is mature, the Digitakt’s OS flakiness has somewhat put me off getting any new machines because of Overbridge holding OS development up, although I did get OTmkII as it is mature already and isn’t dependent on OB dev.
I’m in the process of building a semi improvised set combining these two. I like being able to use the DT sequencer with the MNM and being able to use the MNM outputs to use some external fx. That way I get all six tracks from the MNM and cover samples and drums from the DT. Seems to work a charm so far
A4mk1 and Rytm Mk1 for simplicity.
The only pairs I’ve had are OT+OT and OT+AK. I think I would have much preferred the latter combo if it was an A4. Double octa was great while it lasted and I’d definitely consider it again in the future.
I really enjoy working with any MPC style box alongside OT. I think that’s where 2 OTs lacked for me. I missed having that alongside it to fill in the gaps and I just don’t have the patience to work with 3 samplers at a time so it ended up working with just the two of them or just MPC or maschine. As one unit though it’s great if you can commit to working with them. I bet it’s even more fun when you have a bunch of things to plug in and external hardware FX but most my instruments are software anyway and as a vinyl chopper I do fine with just one for now anyway
Also I bet DT+DN are amazing together, even as someone who’s not a big synth head DN is interesting. Then it only makes sense to use it with its brother but the last thing I need is another island setup
I would pair an OT with a Rythm since having a drum machine to play the drum beats would be awesome and use OT as the master device and sampler. I already have a few synths already so no need to buy an A4. My dream setup would be OT+AR+Virus TI2.
As soon as the cash is available that would be my dream setup for studio and live.
Amen to that!
My favorite pairing of only Elektron gear is AR+MnM OR MDUW+AK. One silver box and one analog box really pairs well for me. That being said, if we open up any pairing, OT+Modular or OT+Blofeld.
@jb so you kept only one OT ?
^ This!
That combo is currently on my desk: I use the A4 for everything (including drums) and sample it in the Ot where needed.
I also like the simplicity of having only two units…add more and my mind starts drowning in complexity…
Something had to go cause of some unforeseen circumstances so I thought it was best to get rid of something I had two of. I’d like to get another one eventually. Still kept the stands for then.
I’ve only owned three Elektron instruments, none of which are the analogs. But for the past few months I’ve been endlessly fascinated using a MDUW + MnM combo.
Too many reasons to say why briefly, but
- the MnM’s FX machines can process the MD in useful ways.
- the MnM’s MIDI engine can overcome the MD sequencer’s limitations.
- the MD’s UW engine is great for sampling MnM sounds, both percussion and melodic material. (It’s a miniature OT in embryonic form, as its designers freely admit.)
- the MD can serve as a controller for the MnM, overcoming some of the difficulties with live MnM tweaking.
- making a track using several of the different synth and sample-based approaches simultaneously can create a “layered” effect without needing a DAW.
- 34 LFOs. Probably worth repeating that one.
I love my OT and use it regularly both live and in the studio, and it has capabilities the older instruments don’t. But with effective sequencer integration, the silver twins can do most of what I once thought I’d need the OT to accomplish. I’m composing a lot with the two of them run through an AH, and I can see a day when this combo is all I’ll need for a long evolving set.
Elektron machines always need a buddy to support them!! I have the Octatrack MIDI sequencing 2 synths, Analog Four sequencing 2 other synths through CV, and RYTM doing its own thing. Thinking about simplifying my setup as I’m overloaded with synths!!
My favourite pair of elektrons would have to be … A4 + AH
Those are just the power couple of the century!
One was waiting for the other. One compliments the other. The a4 is the mind and the ah is the soul.
Thank you elektron for both!
I think OT mk 2 with TI 2 is the best set for me. Sometimes I think adding AH or MPC Live to help the setting.
Digi-pair for writing, OT&A4 for performing