Hey all, this is my first post to the forum after lurking for a while.
I recently purchased a DT as my first piece of Elektron gear and I am absolutely loving it. The workflow is surprisingly intuitive and I find that some new idea readily emerges every time I turn it on.
I’m still learning how to use the box, but I can already tell that I’d like to pair it with another piece of gear. I’m currently thinking about an A4 mk1 and a DN as something to handle more melodic elements and leave the DT with the rhythmic components. I’ve done some video research about both, but am still on the fence!
Anyone have specific input about how these two pair with the DT?
Thanks! and sorry if this post ought to be somewhere else!
hmm good question! My tunes tend towards sort of dance/experimental/pop I guess. I like sampling weird rhythmic stuff with the DT, then seeing what sort of musical ideas come out of those meditations. I’ve found the process of coming up with and incorporating those ideas (especially chords and melodies) to be somewhat tedious on the DT (what with its lack of polyphony).
I really like the workflow of the DT so I think the DN would seem to be a logical choice, but I’ve seen so much love for the A4 that I’m having a hard time deciding. It doesn’t help that the two seem to be selling used for roughly the same price!
A4 is analog, first difference. Both are amazing tools. You can’t go wrong … If you enjoy the size and working flow of Digitakt, You will love the Digitone. If you have the chance to try them in a shop near by, try ! Cause it’s ultimately YOUR decision that will make the difference…
haha yeah I was able to gather that much from the name! My main question/concern about the a4 is programming chords and pads and running out of voices for other parts. For people who have used both, is the DN markedly easier in this respect?
Granted I haven’t tried an A4 or Rytm, I’m really in my happy place with the OTmkII and the DN combo. They just work so well and I’m really liking the results!
I also think the RYTM pairs really well with the DN. Activating “PRG CH SEND” on the RYTM (as master) basically gives the DN the song mode which it is lacking.
I could imagine sampling A4 chords into the DT to free up the 4 voices, but then I’m using up one of the 8 tracks. It seems like the DN might be easier for my ideal work flow.
The Track Note feature of the DN also seems like a convenient way to input chords; is there a similar feature on the A4?
I don’t think anyone is suggesting that either of the boxes is incapable of producing a chord, just that one might be easier to do so than the other.
I grew up playing violin and piano and it’s definitely much easier to play chords on the latter than the former. I was simply wondering if one Elektron was easier than the other for making chords—hence my question about the track note feature which I just learned about.
Sorry for sidetracking the conversation. I’m stoked to get get an Elektron pair of my own, once I save up the $$ and learn the DT further!
Currently only have a DT, but I’m more nd more leaning towards the OT for it’s obvious power and flexibility in comparison. However, the immediacy of the DT cannot be understated, so perhaps these two?
I’m looking at either Techno inspired stuff or perhaps ambient/ atmospherical ononism.
That said, The A4 and OT might provide a fuller sound/ solution for me given the analogue gubbins.