Yeah, I guess, and maybe even less than that because I feel like I have enough synths so that even an imaginary updated Kijimi 2 wouldn’t be worth going for at the price. Somehow, I’m more interested by Kijimi’s modulation style than the way its sounds fit in with what I have. It is under-demoed, though.
I read theres no DIY for the ISE-NIN. You can get voice cards with the SSI2140 filter for Kijimi now, if u have a DIY version. The prebuilt and prev DIYs use the 2144 which I quite liked tbqh, they arent planning selling a prebuilt with 2140s at this time as I understand it. The new prophet 5/10 uses the same 2140s.
Yeah just as @knobgoblin said
According to Roman, the name is a reference to the russian poet Sergei Yesenin.
Wow! Did he say that on instagram or where? That’s quite a departure from his previous naming schemes.
He wrote it on facebook. He posted the link above as a reply to a question about the meaning of the name ISE-NIN.
Pre-orders opened, looks like there is a DIY version ISE-NIN – Black Corporation
Wow not even any sound examples yet!
Thanks to @GovernorSilver, I came to my senses and pre-ordered.
I literally want to pre-order sooooo bad but I want to hear it first.
Same here. I’m sure that’s when the preorders will flood.
I need my Matt Johnson keyboards review against his original. 3800US is a risky buy without demos
Whole heartedly agree. I’d also curious how their design differs from the original. They don’t do “clones” rather “replicas.” the UI for this one though, is unmistakable.
First sounds
Just as I feared… it sounds amazing :(.
Arrrrrggg!!! I mean… Yeeesssss! …
I’m weak in the knees for that lush Roland sound!
Kit pre-ordered
Sure beats paying $10,000+ for the 30 year old original.
It’s 29,000 now in reverb land. It got worse. So 3800US is sneezing into a tissue compared to that price.
Did they tell you what your number is in the queue ?
Not yet, but I ordered the kit so it might be different.
Still no sound demos