Was looking around for a way to control the tempo of the internal Midihub clocks remotely – like for instance a CC value or something. Looks like the Tempo of internal clocks are fixed.
I worked out a way that i think i can change the tempo from one value to another, by having a control key through Transform stop one clock and starting another, and another key doing the opposite.
But so far i haven’t figured out how to do an accelerando and ritardando to an internal clock. Obviously you could use an external clock for this.
EDIT: I figured it out – yes you can do accelerando and ritardando. You use the map function to attach a parameter to a control.
NOTE: You need to be running the Midihub Editor live with a Midihub attached in order to make “map” (in the editor) work. I still haven’t received the Midihub so this wasn’t obvious to me, but it is now. This makes all kinds of things so much easier.