Chicago Nauts Unite!

I guess I might as well ask here, but does anyone want a ticket to see Goldie at SmartBar on Dec 17th?

I accidentally bought a ticket to two shows in one night, and I’m going to see Zeds Dead the same night.

I’m not asking for anything for it, I just don’t want a ticket to go to waste.

It’s DnB. By the way with Chrissy Tee opening. I think she spins house.

Well, it got quiet over here during the holidays… I hope everyone had a chill thanksgiving…

What did Black Friday get you?

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  • Bought: Keystep 61
  • Fixed: Mackie 1202VLZ4 (still needs some contact cleaner, but I reflowed the stereo and mono input jacks)
  • Built: cables to control the Lyra from the SQ-64

Are there any good experimental / noise nights where they Lyra or Syntrx would be welcome? I’ve got a non-vented P100 mask and could be open to doing a live show at a cafe-sized venue.

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Let me know if and when you perform and I’ll be there.

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Maybe I’ll figure out OBS and streaming and do a few streams first. :thinking:


And if you upload to youtube, I’ll watch them for sure. I avoid twitch.

Oh nice! It’s just a program, and not a platform.

That’s a good way to stream some music, by trying out a new program!

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A hangover!


But I’m back on the sauce!


So I checked out Open Beats, and it was great, way more comfortable than any open mics I’ve been to in the past. It’s a really quality soundsystem and a luxe cocktail bar with comfortable seating. Pretty packed, so maybe less comfortable for folks worried about covid.

Sets were about 15 minutes each, and most people played hiphop, usually boom-bap or lofi. There was one artist who really bounced around, from dnb to trip-hop to techno to house. One person played on a modular, but most had an SP404 or a laptop/controller. Tbh as someone who makes glitchy queer pop music, I think I’d feel like a bit of an outlier signing up.

The music does feel a bit ornamental, not necessarily a focal point for everyone. There were definitely people there just bc it’s a cool bar in a trendy neighborhood on a Friday. A few folks I talked to were really impressed by the “DJs” :rofl: Most performers did go at it like DJs though- pretty constant energy, few discrete songs, lots of crossfading. The few that didn’t really stood out for the brief bits of dead air.

All in all, I’d go back to listen, despite not being much of a hiphophead. There’s some solid talent and lovely people. I don’t know if I’d perform there, though, there’s a focus on a genre that i don’t really fit into. Maybe when I go regularly, I’ll see a broader palette :woman_shrugging: but all in all, worth checking out if you can make it.


Great review!


Sounds like a nice relaxing thing to do with musician buds. The bar/store itself also looks great. I checked their IG page, is it supposed to be pretty much every Friday?

No, seems like the last Friday of every month

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SynthGiving was kinda dope. Lots of modular jams! Thanks for the heads up!


Oh lovely! I fully forgot, but it’s good to know there are spaces out there.

Unrelated, your name reminds me of a nice little flower shop in Pilsen :tulip::sunflower::blossom:

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I always loved giving flowers before I was single. Now I may have to treat myself.

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The one on Wood?

You should! It’s such a nice way to hold a little love for yourself

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Yes, exactly! I lived a few blocks away for years, and it was always a nice interaction and selection getting flowers and plants there. That’s where my brain cactus is from (i think :sweat_smile:)

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