Computer Video Game Recommendations

I’m playing Doku Doku Literature Club, and it’s a masterpiece for sure. The first couple hours were hard for me because it’s not exactly my favorite genre, but then… well, you know if you’ve played it, you should play it WITHOUT SPOILERS if you haven’t. Unless you’re really sensitive, shit gets dark.

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Doki Doki Literature Club is a total trip - really amazing!

Just picked up Timberborn on early access a couple days ago. I’m enjoying it a lot… :wink:

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About Doki Doki;
I would never ever have been interested in a game like this, but you guys caught my attention. Did you play for free or did you pay?

Have been playing Starfield early access the last few days. Really enjoying it. Quite stable. I built a system in the lead up (for gaming and production), it seems to run fine on my 12600k/4070ti. Game is definitely not No Mans Sky, I’d probably liken it more to Cyberpunk actually. With that Bethesda menu roots and dialogue heavy options vibe. You have to settle into it in that way, kindve as this text-based management system/story mashed with an FPS. Although the world and towns feel extremely fleshed out. No locked doors anywhere (if there are you can access them later) super detailed design. I’m still in the early game so these are just initial feels. I see a lot of people upset online about this or that, high expectations maybe. I like it’s a fine game to sink your teeth into


I don’t remember, I got it a long time ago, started playing a couple times but it’s really not my genre, so I needed all my patience to get to the moment where everything REDACTED. Once I got there… no regrets.

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It’s free. (Meaning i did not pay, got it on Steam.). I got into it from a friend who recommended it, it did not look like my kinda thing either, but turned out to definitely be my kinda thing.

Yep, me too.

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I saw there’s a Plus! version for 10€, that’s why I asked.

Ah ha! Proper mac release soon then?

I swore off putting games on my Mac but BG3 looks a little horrible on steam deck and not sure I fancy waiting or playing on Series X.

I started to get the ball rolling on turning my steam deck into a retro machine. Emu deck makes it a doddle really. Game boy games look fantastic on the Decks display too.

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Should be this week!


here world of warcraft. I always like to play it in the evening. simply to switch off with great sound in the game and play a few instances while looking at the damage meter.

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The plus is the fan pack - hi-res wallpaper, an artbook, and the soundtrack. The actual game is free and is amusingly required for the fan pack.

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Two game keys to give away that won’t be useful to me.
PM me…

Who Pressed Mute on Uncle Marcus? Already given.

Im preordering Mortal Kombat 1 just to play as Van Damme

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thats van damme?
shouldnt it look like him… the only ‘recognisable’ thing is him doing the splits.

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It’s as close as we’ll get. I mean I had Street Fighter the movie game this is the second coming here

Wait for him to respond to an interview before judging,
This is the only solution to find out if it’s him!

hmm… they could scan him and be close to real (its not easy, even with scan data) … or obviously do a stylized version… i guess it depends how much they wanted to spend.
this version seems unrecognisable…i can see theyre not going for realisim (both in the environment art, etc… ). even the voice seems wrong (apparently its his voice so what do i know ) . … though i’m no van damme expert… last i saw he was selling beer …
ultimately i dont care… which is weird considering i’m commenting on it.

have fun.

this guy. ?..


Without mule, I’m not sure that JVCD is himself anyway.

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from system erasure, the makers of zero ranger.
just a cute little sokabanish puzzler in the style of a gameboy game.


or is it?
don’t spoil yourself by reading too much about it.
if you like puzzles and secrets, this is as good as it gets. might be my personal game of the year.

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