0 Coast / Korg SQ-1
<slaps roof of car> You can fit so many [melodies and drums] in this [single pattern across Syntakt and Digitakt in song mode]
Working on basic arrangement and transitions, house-ish at 115bpm
Behringer Neutron, triggered/modulated with microvolt 3900
… a few hours later…
The Vermona’s entered the room.
(PERfourMER > Retroverb Lancet)
All > Boum
Still 72 BPM
I got a little carried away tweaking knobs on the Vermona’s.
This pair got some Balls.
Very good Selfup! You sound like a pro!
… fucking good! I totally agree with @Fielden78. Wow, I also got carried away by your Performance. This is beautiful, I really liked how you played that Scale. Some great material to make some Tracks there.
Volca Bass + Kick with multiple midi cc sine wave LFOs applied to various parameters by a Norns script > MS-70CDR reverb.
Xenakis = Awesome (my favourites: Syrmos, Ergma and the other string quartets, Ioolkos, Shaar, …)
So much nice music here… Gotta up my game
Ended up going full keygen music while testing out ErikaSynths Zen Delay Virtual.
Now I’m longing for those simpler times.
Wedding party time!
Thank you for the kind words!
I used to play electric a lot more a decade or so ago. Been primarily doing percussive fingerstyle acoustic but I did take a long break on guitar.
Excited to be back on electric. These amp sims are a so nice now. I don’t have to crank to high heavens to get good tone. My ears are happy
More to come for sure!
Which Scale were you using?
Lydian and a slight mix of some Arabic voicing on the higher notes. I’ll have to figure out what it actually is heh. Probably a Phrygian mode?
I would definitely pay for your guitar loops.
You may use them if you’d like. Just some attribution is all that I would ask
I can DM details!
Also here it is. F Major Lydian #2 (right side)
Turns out it is not a Phrygian mode on the higher notes looking at the scale. I’ll figure it out!
It would be an honour! Waiting for your DM with details. OT user will be very happy! Thank you @selfup!
Weekend groovies.
ARII, Minitaur, OB6, Guitar + a few samples.
Yeah, love it!
A tiny quick and dirty thing, having gotten a TR-8s, getting excited about TR 707 80s digital drums :). M and OB6 in supporting roles.