DigiChain - web app for making sample chains

Anyone use this with the new slice machine to get round robin sampling going?

My thought was that you could random lfo the slice and then put a bunch of ‘acoustic’ drum sounds in there like ableton and then get some variation. In my slim attempts tonight (being brand new to digichain) I wasn’t successful. I don’t exactly have a great set of round robin drum samples lying around though I did dl these for free: Round Robin 808 R&D - Test Kit - The Sample Company. Before you go digging, the ones ion the ableton ‘packs’ are custom .aif files and I don’t thinka re worth your time unless you create a script to clean+convert them or something)

Settings I’m trying:
Slice set to 9/16
LFO w/ Depth of ~15.7~?*

*64 slices in the setting so LFO depth may be off, but for the idea it jumbled it enough. I’m not caring enough to do the math but its what, 8/64 x 127?

Here are the ‘chains’ I made to try with:

(You should be able to right click save as)

Getting a lot of clicks with low end stuff if played too rapidly- to be expected. The snare worked… ok (they were inconsistent in the sample pack). Hat worked better… Anyone try this or know where I could get ~8/16/32 nicely sampled and normalized acoustic drums (legally) for free 99 or cheap? (Realizing this is a large ask…)

Here is the result with these largely bunk samples (in the 8 snares there are 4 tom-ish sounds lmao)
This pattern is uhm, quite bad. the hope was to example to the variation.

Also realizing the samples ‘voice steal’ from one another, so this may be a bit of a daft pursuit. I was hoping sending them to the verb + comp could create a more ‘room’ sounding kit but I’m giving up for the night.
Ok last edit 4rl, I needed to add some comp+verb. Better example, perhaps?:

I feel like this ~could be used. Thread is long, I didn’t read 500 posts. I know people have solved this before by round robin’ing through sample slots but I figured this tool could make it easier.
Pros:(?) You can get some variation in your pattern
Con: You lose an LFO, you are stuck in slice mode on a one shot…