Anyone use this with the new slice machine to get round robin sampling going?
My thought was that you could random lfo the slice and then put a bunch of ‘acoustic’ drum sounds in there like ableton and then get some variation. In my slim attempts tonight (being brand new to digichain) I wasn’t successful. I don’t exactly have a great set of round robin drum samples lying around though I did dl these for free: Round Robin 808 R&D - Test Kit - The Sample Company. Before you go digging, the ones ion the ableton ‘packs’ are custom .aif files and I don’t thinka re worth your time unless you create a script to clean+convert them or something)
Settings I’m trying:
Slice set to 9/16
LFO w/ Depth of ~15.7~?*
*64 slices in the setting so LFO depth may be off, but for the idea it jumbled it enough. I’m not caring enough to do the math but its what, 8/64 x 127?
Here are the ‘chains’ I made to try with:
(You should be able to right click save as)
Getting a lot of clicks with low end stuff if played too rapidly- to be expected. The snare worked… ok (they were inconsistent in the sample pack). Hat worked better… Anyone try this or know where I could get ~8/16/32 nicely sampled and normalized acoustic drums (legally) for free 99 or cheap? (Realizing this is a large ask…)
Here is the result with these largely bunk samples (in the 8 snares there are 4 tom-ish sounds lmao)
This pattern is uhm, quite bad. the hope was to example to the variation.
Also realizing the samples ‘voice steal’ from one another, so this may be a bit of a daft pursuit. I was hoping sending them to the verb + comp could create a more ‘room’ sounding kit but I’m giving up for the night.
Ok last edit 4rl, I needed to add some comp+verb. Better example, perhaps?:
I feel like this ~could be used. Thread is long, I didn’t read 500 posts. I know people have solved this before by round robin’ing through sample slots but I figured this tool could make it easier.
Pros:(?) You can get some variation in your pattern
Con: You lose an LFO, you are stuck in slice mode on a one shot…