don’t know if i will say the same about dn2 but i’ve had dt2 since launch and still reach for the st the most primarily bc it’s more immediate and fun
it’s not necessarily what i would use in a track or a set but it’s liberating to surrender to its world and not have to think about too much while still being gratified by the dynamics of the elektron sequencer / workflow
the syntakt still needs some minor work (bpm sync the damn trig modifiers!) and i’m sure it will receive more attention in the future
First off, in my (admittedly strange) opinion, the release of DN2 has actually increased the chance of further ST firmware updates in the future. They’ve made certain features more standard across more devices, and I could certainly see one or two more of them making their way to ST. I am not of the mind that they will release a Syntakt II any time in the next couple of years (could be wrong though). I think once they get more DT2 updates and a round of DN2 updates out of the way, ST will still be getting some love in the future.
After looking at the DN2, had it been available a year ago I very likely would have bought it instead of the Syntakt. However, I love my ST and simply do not want to sell it, and I have enough tools with polyphony and playability that I won’t worry too much about Digitone right now. It’s an extremely attractive looking device, featurewise. But I’ve already picked my horses for the next few courses. In 6 months or a year when they start hitting the used market in steady amounts, I may revisit. I’m happy with up to 12 voice polyphony on ST, another 8 voices via sampling on DT1, another 4 voices on AK, if I can’t make music with all of that power then Digitone II is most certainly not going to be the magic bullet.
The Digitone II looks great but I still adore the Syntakt. I think if I hadn’t bought one in the Spring and waited until now, I probably would have considered the Digitone II since the price is basically the same and it seems much more capable as a complete groovebox with 16 tracks instead of 4. Admittedly I don’t think I’ve heard enough of the Digitone II to understand what it’s really capable of, but I think choosing between the two just comes down personal preference for the features unique to each of them.
Personally, I love the analog sounds on the Syntakt, especially for drums, and I don’t think I would trade that for deeper FM synthesis. So there’s no part of me that wishes I waited or anything. I’m perfectly happy with the Syntakt.
If the DN2 had come out before the ST, I’d probably have that instead and prefer it for the polyphony and arp alone. Those 2 things lacking have kind of caused the ST to lose a bit of it’s luster to me as it’s limited some of the things I want to do.
Yeah that’s what I mean. I hadn’t considered the Digitone when I was looking at getting the Syntakt because it seems like it would be more of a pain to make complete tracks. I don’t doubt that it’s capable since it has sound locks, but I think it would have been a constraint for what I wanted. But that constraint isn’t really there with 16 tracks.
I don’t want to do without the analog channels of the Syntakt. For me the big difference is being able to do true 4 note poly, and maybe more important, using the Elektron sequencer to play polyphonic parts on external devices like my MC-101 or Jupiter Xm. That will be the first thing I try when I get mine.
As a ‘best of’ machine the Syntakt still shines, but in that vein it would make sense for it to get a sample machine I think! Looking forward to trying out DN2 and testing them side by side to see who wins
I really like the ST’s analog filters. I might check out the DN 2 at some point because I think I’d enjoy its depth, but I’m still finding plenty to explore in the Syntakt after two years of playing with it often.
I watched a video where they capture note by note the chords for every trigger in a DN2. It looks almost as discouraging as the ST’s chord machine. I think, that if you have a ST and need some polyphony it’d be better to put something like a Microfreak in one of the Midi tracks.
Syntakt is, you can get this out of my cold dead hands category for me.
I think both can play together really well but if you really have to choose then decide whether you want analog tone or not and then you can make the call. I love the Analog machines and the Analog filter on Syntakt and I’m never selling mine unless they come up with a Syntakt ll.
How so? I thought that you could record in midi from an external keyboard and it would fill the sequencer with more accurate data than on the old machines.
Think they will release the syntakt 2 next year on that new 128 step platform, with all those new things for that platform and 16 tracks instead of 12, some new digital and analog machines, 8 analog tracks, more fx for the fx block
Analog fx block is huge for me, running external gear through it. 5 lfos including dt 2, Part of me is tempted to part ways with the syntakt, but I think I’d miss the fx block too much.