Digitone II Feature Requests

On the pattern selection screen you can copy any pattern, then if you paste it on top of the currently playing pattern, it will keep playing the new pattern from the current position. This is essentially the same as direct jump, you just need to Func Yes and Func No to not lose the original pattern.

You reminded me somebody else just explained this to me. I might try it out. Still, the real thing wouldn’t be bad!

Update: I just discovered a really nice way to do it. Use a scratch pattern! You can copy/paste very conveniently while holding PTN down. Reverting is as simple as using undo paste. You can even flip back and forth between 2 ptns by pressing FUNC+STOP over and over.

Maybe we don’t need direct change… ? :man_shrugging:

Update 2: Lol, yes we do. This sucks. LMAO


Reload currently selected track’s preset with [TRK] + [NO]

Instead of [TRK] + [TRIG 1–16] + [NO]
Or it could be [TRIG 1–16] + [NO] like on the DN 1.

We can already copy/paste presets just by pressing TRK + Rec/Stop buttons so this would be easier and faster.

:bulb: This is a great and fun performance trick. You can instantly mix your current pattern with a copied variation or a very different pattern.

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Arpeggiator > Round Robin

In the Arp, pressing FUNC+MODE knob could switch the Arp into a new Round Robin mode, where the notes would no longer arpeggiate, but cycle through all notes placed on steps, according to the MODE setting (UP, DOWN etc).

So in UP mode, a C major chord on step 1 would play C on first loop, E on second loop, G on third, repeat… and changing the mode to DOWN would play as G>E>C etc. Would allow for building really interesting melodic patterns, I think. Especially as each step can have differing numbers of notes applied to them.


Sorry :slight_smile: can you elaborate the MODE Knob?

Sure, I probably wasn’t very clear (as usual…)

On the ARP page it says MODE (TRUE, UP, DOWN…)
FUNC+pressing that MODE knob (encoder A) would change the Arp into a Round Robin mode, but keeping all of the MODEs (TRUE, UP, DOWN…) for setting the play order of the Round Robin notes.

Thanks Much Appreciate, wil test as it sound very interesting

Test? It’s a feature request, not a feature :smiley:

LOL : ) Yep sorry but I have too many pages up between Tips , Requests and OP-XY, anyway sound interesting as Feature request…

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Apologies for not following @LyingDalai 's feature request templating in my first version of this post. Hope this is more clear:

Options for transposing (via arp or per-track transpose) within chosen scale & key

As I described here (and please do check that post out, I articulate the musical significance of this in more detail there, in case it’s not immediately obvious), it would be helpful if we had options allowing for per-track transpositions and transpositions via the arp offset parameter to be applied within the chosen scale & key. Right now, they effectively shift the key. [note] -> [transposition] -> [force to chosen scale & key] has a different result than [note] -> [force to chosen scale & key] -> [transposition], and the latter is the only option currently available. If DN2 is to be Elektron’s most melodically capable box, this feature should be implemented.

FX sequencing track

A dedicated 17th track where, as on the AR, you can p-lock (and, ideally, have at least 1 LFO to modulate) the parameters of each send effect, the compressor, the master overdrive, etc.

Pattern direct jump

As on the AR, an option for Direct Jump when switching between patterns. Love the rhythmic improvisations this allows, really wish it was implemented on other boxes.

Midi arp

As on the OT, an arpeggiator on the MIDI tracks.

Parameter slides

As on the OT and AR, parameter slides for the audio tracks – very creative feature that I miss a lot.

Third LFO for MIDI tracks

More modulation is more fun

Option to force incoming MIDI to selected scale+key

It would be nice to have the option of forcing incoming MIDI notes to whatever scale and key you’ve chosen for a given track, so that sloppy keyboard playing or more aleatoric MIDI sources could have their wayward outputs constrained to the tonal regime you want in a given track.


Totally up for the Transposing as this Feature has become quite common since OXI One and Hapax introduced, then Polyend Synth has a Chord Follow on the Little ARP/Seq on board too, the New OP-XY now called ‘The Brain’ but it already was part of the Master Transposing on their OP-Z


I’d like to see them added as pages under MOD… Because that’s what they are really.

Mod Knob Page (Like Mixer, but for MODWHL, AF, etc.)

It would be super cool if there was a way to use the knobs to control modulation sources over the 16 tracks.

Under the mod source pages you can use the Level/Data knob to change modwheel, aftertouch, etc. but those pages are buried so it’s cumbersome to get them up.

It would be really cool if there were a few pages under the MOD button that basically just take the look and feel of the MIX page, and instead of MIX in the little box, it had MOD for ModWheel. Maybe have a Personalization setting to choose what mod source is on that page (MOD, AT, etc.)

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When on the Modulation Setup:Velocity page, use the Level/Data velocity info when pressing the trig keys, rather than the TRIG value

On the Mod setup page, it’s handy you can use the Level/Data knob to move the velocity value, just like mod wheel, AT, etc.; however it’s kinda pointless as the trig or incoming midi seems to over-rule that value.

Currently the work around seems to be to go to a mod type you’re not actually planning on using (e.g. aftertouch) design the modulations, then copy the mod page from AT (as an example) to VEL.

Definitely would be a nice feature to have, but that shortcut is used already to reset control all. Maybe Func+Trk+No? Func+No is reset to saved state, Func+Trk+No to just reset the current track to saved state.

Scale quantized LFOs

The new OP-XY has ramp up, ramp down, random “step components”: every time a step containing this setting is triggered, it will play a note up/down or random within the scale.

We could recreate this by using ramp or random LFOs in HOLD mode if we had scale quantized LFOs (we could p-lock the LFO to a step when necessary)

Push on the WAVE knob to replace the starting point square of the wave form with a note symbol. (edit: already used to lock/unlock stuffs so the 2nd solution below it should be:)
or just add more of the same shapes but scale quantized.


P-lock smoothing

Yet again an OP-XY feature but it was available as parameter slide track on Elektron. Of course, parameter slide tracks could be nice but 2 parameter settings that could also be p-lockable (p-lock to tell how to slide p-locks might just not be possible?) could work.

In the 2d trig page, there’s 2 free slots:

CURVE: linear, exp, in, out… (all the easing curves possible)
DEPTH: 0-128

If Depth is set to 0, no interpolation.
Setting it globally on the track (not p-locking it) would apply this setting to all p-locked trigs.

If we p-lock the setting on a trig, it will apply the interpolation to reach the next trig values.

or just SLIDE:0-128 with a linear curve. global only.
or anything in between these options!


Chord Strumming

Yet again, OP-XY… but as Chord mode will be back and notes edit supports micro timing per note, it would be nice to have a setting in Chord mode STRUM:0-128 or whatever the right value required for this setting.


Note Off Velocity (mod) support
This feature might be a bit on the off-side, but could be an interesting way to add another subtle layer of (rhytmic) expressivity in sound modulation. This could be useful in both sequencing and playing the Digitone, plus it would really be an edge over most other synths in that category.

My central midi controller is a Kawai mp11, which records note-off velocity to add realistic variation to the release stage of its internal piano sounds, with excellent results imo. The note off velocity is also sent via midi to external devices, but since it is not a parameter widely supported by midi-controllers, it also appears to be quite niche as modulation source across electronic instruments. At least, I have not yet come across any hardware or software synth which supports this.
Still, release velocity is an essential factor of expression in virtually all acoustic keyboard instruments, so it seems natural to support it in electronic instruments as well.

One way of how I could imagine this being implemented on the digitone is by adding an option to apply note-off velocity to existing VELOCITY modulations (possibly with inverse modulation-depths).
Alternatively, giving note-off velocity its own set of dedicated modulations would be an option, but probably too CPU intensive.
Since the Trig page is already full, maybe hide the note-off velocity under FUNC+Velocity encoder?

I know this is a long-shot, and this is really just a dreamy suggestion that crossed my mind. That said, I do see great potential in unlocking this dimension of expressivity, and actually find the idea a lot more convincing (regarding “classical” keyboard instruments) than wonky 3D keys like osmose!