Digitone II Headphone Audio Output Issue (?)

Got it too but it’s not so bad that I’ll return it right away. I cannot silence the device totally (there’s a leak of sound on one of the channels), but as soon as I turn the pot up, the stereo image is mostly fine.

Probably depends on the impedance of your headphones too. 250ohms here so I’ve got to turn the volume up quite a bit to be in comfort zone and then it’s not an issue anymore.

It’s a shame though.


Mine was 2024-W46

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As a person who bought the Digitakt 2 upon release and experienced quality control issues (double trigger events and the faulty screen issue), I have lost faith in this company. Ive been watching these forums regularly for updates on the Digitakt 2/Digitone 2, all these missed quality issues have completely soured my expectations of Elektron and these $1000 devices. I think I will take my money elsewhere.


This seems like a bad batch. Just for reference, mine is 2024W38 and is fine.

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This is unbelievable. I am experiencing the same problem with my new Digitone II. Right ear is super loud compared to the left and it only fixes when you turn main volume to the maximum.

I can’t work like this. I guess i will send the unit back for a replacement but Elektron should look on those thing because this is an expensive unit and some us work hard to get this devices.


Same here—the stereo sound comes into focus almost immediately once past zero volume. It’s a small bummer, but I don’t think I’m gonna send it back.

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My working good, the Outputs they are perfectly balanced. Volume gets very loud tho even at 50% but the signal remains low if I record.

Between INPUT/DAW on sound card I need to set it to almost DAW 90% for hearing good volume and strong signal.

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I would be surprised if any manufacturer of such gear does not experience some level of this kind of thing. Especially at the start of a new product. It is unfortunate for sure, but what matters to me is how a company resolves it. Both in making customers whole and solving the issues in general. I have not had any issues, but the screen stuff with DT2 gave me pause. That said, hearing solid marks for the problems getting sorted out got me off the fence.


i already had to send back my first dn2 for a different hardware defect (loose component on the pcb resulting in a weird high-pitched noise) so sending it back again is just going to generate a new cycle of anxiety and resentment

going to try to live with the unbalanced stereo for now but yeah it’s definitely a bummer :frowning_face:


Just received my 3rd unit and same identical issue. :sob:

This time I also tested the L/R Audio Outs to my MC-707 and the behaviour is the same as the headphone out. Controllable volume on the Left Out from 0-100, but Right Out always at max volume. I’m no audio pro by any means but this isn’t normal behaviour right? At this point I feel like a fool for replacing the Digitone hoping for a different result. It’s the definition of insanity.

I’m planning on going to the local music shop to discuss and hopefully test it with different headphones, cables etc, but I’m curious about what headphones/adapters you guys are using to see if there is some correlation. I’ve tested with Sony MDR-7506 and AIAIA TMA-02 headphones each with 3 different 1/8 to 1/8 TRS adapters without any luck.

For info my unit was from batch: 2024-W52

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Elektron should say something about this issue. Isn’t it??


This is crazy. How hard is it to quality control this by taking 20 seconds to check the behavior on each unit before shipping this out?


Same issue here. I didn’t notice it at first because I usually leave the DN2 at full volume, and rely on the headphone output from my audio interface.

Right channel is indeed present even when it shouldn’t be, at zero main volume. With some headphones, the output level is enough to make them unusable because of how loud it is. On the line outs, the right channel also outputs sound at zero volume.


Not defending Elektron here, I understand that you are pissed, but this might be a lot of things. Like, I remember Xbox Red Ring of Death (which was caused by lead-free soldering) or a similar problem with the PS5. Both bigger launches. Both items were fine after they left the factory. This thing might be anything from “a new part that the supplier swears would be 1:1 and it cracks on the cold during shipping” to “a conscious decision by Elektron to fulfill sales at the cost of QA during the hot Black Friday/Holiday sales season”. But it’s rarely “20 seconds to check”. Maybe they only do some basic smoke testing so people can actually buy it? Either way, this should not be happening.


Sweetwater is sending me a demo replacement unit and ship the old one back once I get it. Kinda cool I can keep it for the meantime, and hope maybe its a firmware issue because its still usable as is, mine doesn’t have the issue consistently.


I don’t even own one, but reading things like this makes me less likely to ever do so.

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And I don’t blame you. But you might also choose to think about this as anecdotal evidence. Let’s say Elektron sold 5k of these boxes over the holiday period. There’s (so far) about 10 people on a suport forum for that box saying their box is cooked. Let’s say there’s another 50 RMA-ING their boxes right now. Emotions aside, shit like this happens with everything. I frequented a car forum once. This is nothing compared to what was happening there :).

Again, not telling you to stop feeling what you’re feeling or saying that nothing happened — people affected are rightfully pissed. Just sharing a perspective.


It may be the same as with cars, where there are many problems with the initial lots of new model cars. Either way, it’s a sad problem…

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My replacement unit just arrived, also from batch 2024-W49, and seems to be working fine, so it’s not necessarily related to the batch number.

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I understand your perspective, it’s totally fair. I just have to laugh at my own misfortune. Luckily I’m in a position to be able return the device, without any financial impact, unlike others in this thread so I can understand their disappointment.

Anyhow, I really don’t want to give up on it yet. :slight_smile: From the testing that I did manage to do, it sounded great and the basics of the device seemed easy enough to grasp as a first time user. I’m just desperate to get my hands on a fully functioning unit to be able jump in and have fun on!