Don't Sleep on the Model Samples

Model:Samples is ace.
Sounds great, easy to use, great encoders.
But… the 6 trigger pads…. these are the worst I’ve used ever, on any device.
Hopefully one day it will finally receive an attack stage on the envelope:)


Have you found the workarounds for attack ? There are 2 or 3, all based on using the LFO.

It takes 30’ to set up
And you’d lose the one LFO you have

But I don’t have the M:S anymore

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I am using the trigger pads as buttons.

Plugged into the MPC I get 16 chromatic pads with proper playability :smiley:

Pro tip to anyone interested :
I opened it up and put a small amount of hot glue on the pads to “increase sensitivity “ and it actually helped , only challenge is adding equal amounts to all pads evenly

Edit: grammar is fun

Maybe add 6x sticky pads instead?

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Hahahah definitely not . Too easy and intelligent to to it that way .


I jUst use it to mangle sample or two while arranging else in daw. Brings the human feel quite nice and effects are ok.

True but with a Digitakt, if your friend didn’t catch it, he is the one buying it, the moron… :crazy_face:


(Click through for embedded video M:S breakbeats)

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I made a little video talking about what i like (and don’t like) about the Model:Samples. Nothing new but i felt like the Model:Samples could get more love if i told them about the wonderful swing-per-track feature. That’s a feature i really love because it makes beats more groovy and i’m missing it on other devices like the Digitakt for example.
For me the Model:Samples is one of the best instruments ever made.


I agree and it’s also true for the Model:Cycles :smiley:


preparing samples beforehand or LFO, the best one being the squarewave trick with 0 speed and fade out imo

I really wish they would add some kind of attack parameter, even if it was in a menu somewhere.

like if per track we could change the Decay knob to be an Attack knob in a menu somewhere. the Models boxes aren’t super menu divey as-is so an extra menu for further envelope shaping would be more than welcomed

oh also sometimes I just move sample start around to get a less clicky initial transient but you can’t really do that on the M:C, just the M:S and it doesn’t always work


I literally came here to say that exact same thing.

here a lofi filter house I do with the M:S that I use as sequencer for control an AKAI CD3000, there is no midi CC on model:samples that should be good for control other synth or sampler :slight_smile:



I’m just finding my feet with the m:s got a couple of decent beats made and now have the task of mastering some form of performance to make them tracks, tbf right now the whole jamming tracks out with performance features is a bit overwhelming (been itb for ages now) but yeah I never knew such a cheap bit of kit could be so fun and creative, just started digging into single cycle waves too which is awesome, always been a bit of a preset whore but it’s amazing the amount of milage you can eak out of something so simple… I think I maybe hooked…


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