Is the master track set to always receive?
Active Track
Thats probably the issue. @echo_opera can prbably clarify that, but i’m sure you need that set to “always”
Yeah, not really the workflow I‘m looking for…but if no fix comes along I might need to look into workarounds.
i doubt theres going to be a “fix” for that and most likely expected behavior for the forseeable future. The feature itself is only a month or so old.
Edit: nm…wrong pic.
Doesn’t make any difference.
Yeah, sorry…looks like Midi CC values for knobs need to be assigned on a per track basis.
I use a Circuit Rhythm, Launchkey mk3 or OP-Z which has individual Midi Channels to avoid this collision problem.
You could just use individual Midi Channels on your midi keyboard, if you want to tweak Midi CC on knobs for each of your tracks in Drambo…you’ll just need to switch to the corresponding track on you hardware to make Midi CC changes when you want…which is how I do it today.
Drambo Track 1 = Midi Channel 1 + CC#'s
Drambo Track 2 = Midi Channel 2 + CC#'s
Drambo Track 3 = Midi Channel 3 + CC#'s
FWIW, in this setup, I leave ‘Receives Midi’ to Always…and switch Channels on my hardware controller to play and tweak Drambo instruments. Works great for my workflow this way.
In order to do what you are asking, Drambo would have to write custom drivers to connect to specific hardware. Loopy Pro has done this to an extent with the LaunchPad MK3 and APC40mk2 midi devices…and the Korg Wireless controllers for Gadget also do this based on the Instrument/Track which is active and the knobs map to what is in focus only.
Yeah, I’ve resigned to doing the same though it’s a bit faffy to have to change channel on the controller and also change track on Drambo to access other module controls (not all controls are MIDI mapped, that would be overkill, just the most used ones). One saving grace is that I could map a button (on my UC4) to change tracks on Drambo. That’s as good as I’m going to get I guess. First world problems
I don’t really think it’s an issue. If you have your Tracks set to Receive Midi: Always, you only need to change the Midi channel on the controller to affect change on the Drambo Track.
Once i set it up with my Circuit Rhythm or OP-Z it just works as i switch Channels/Tracks on the controller.
I put this video together a while back with Drambo and my Launchpad X which covers a lot of what I’m saying here:
The circuit rhythm has replaced this setup a bit cause of the knobs but i do love using the LP cause of its customizable layouts.
Yeah, sure, I get that. It’s just that if I change channel on the controller, the Drambo screen is no longer is showing the Track that I’m affecting with the MIDI controller. Mostly that’s OK but sometimes it isn’t so I have to chamge track on both Drambo and the controller which feels a little clunky. I’ll live with it for now
Yeah. This i why i love the LP MK3 for playback purposes. You can switch Tracks easily via the controller and play your keys/pads. You can also use the pads as knobs in custom layouts as i show in the video. It just takes some practice to get use to touching pads to interact with knobs.
Here’s my new tutorial about the Morph module in Drambo 2.0!
It’s time for your man of the people to have a look at the new Morph module inside Drambo, particularly its most important usage - allowing you to modulate parameters that you weren’t able to previously. Now you’re playing with 2.0 power!
In this video, you WILL learn how the Morph module works. You WILL learn how to use it to apply LFOs and envelopes to previously bricked off parameters. You WILL learn how to use it as a performance surface across different tracks. You WILL after watching this go down a rabbit hole googling ‘Tony Hart Morph’ (for my younger viewers, this is how you find out more about that weird orange plasticine character). You WILL NOT see any copyright infringement, says my lawyer!
If you enjoy this kind of thing, please like and subscribe to give me a Dash Mushroom up YouTube’s algorithm (yes, I have been playing a lot of Mario Kart 8 recently). Do let me know what you think in the comments, and also what you’d like to see in future tutorials.
This was ready pretty much all last week, I just didn’t have time to make the thumbnail.
Enjoy! Plenty more content to come in the coming weeks, including some non-Drambo stuff. Do let me know if you’d like me to cover anything.
I that thumbnail, made me proper grin
Thumbnail wankers, take note haha
Anyone know a clever way to have a single parameter controlled by more than one MIDI CC?
I do have a good reason for doing it, despite what you might think
Edit: actually found Morph is quite handy for this, with a little massaging. Not that Morph.
Morph is almost doing a thumbnail wanker face there!
haha almost, but Morph’s sincerity shines though I think and it elevates him above every other thumbnail face.
He’s looking pretty good for a very old lump of plasticine.
you’re probably on to something with that thumbnail. im sure its gonna add a few clicks. i havent watched it yet, but i’m hoping the vid is narrated by it (wiggly jakob haq style) and in a Mr. Bill voice.
I need to have you on board as a creative consultant.