“Feature parity” is the most soul destroying type of development. No-one likes doing it; devs don’t enjoy spending months or years making something that’s already been made before; “business/product” will change their mind about what”parity” means multiple times during the project; you’ll introduce new bugs; fixing the old ones might accidentally change how something works so customers will be unhappy…
Also, I would submit our own local legends who have amended the OG MD OS as an example of the potential outcome from the fanbase. After all their amazing work, us greedy f#ckers still ask if they can squeeze anything else out of the antiquated processors. If elektron redid the MD with modern components you can bet your bottom dollar every feature under the sun would eventually be requested. As someone else has already mentioned(@Fin25) the resulting product would be so far from an MD as to be unrecognizable as an MD.
The Machinedrum is brilliant and I like the sound (I’ve owned two myself) but its been flogged to death. I say no. I’d rather see them do something new.
Roland and Korg are doing it. I’ve bought a Jupiter Xm and Wavestat in the past few months. But, by their timelines we may have to wait another 20 years.
A lot of people used to say the MD sounded shit too, funny how the used prices don’t seem to bear any witness to this.
FWIW I think they could quite easily redo the MD but they won’t and shouldn’t anyway IMHO. I’d rather they did a new kick arse flagship digital drum machine.
You can bet when the OT is eventually discontinued people will be asking for it to be reissued too
It has enough heritage and history to become a classic on the level of the 808 or 909. Remake? Might not happen in the near future, but wouldn’t count against it, though maybe in a decade or so, by whatever company is cloning things at the time.
Could potentially become a virtual instrument as well, given the strides In reverse engineering code.
Reality here and now though, if you want one, it will cost. Nothing else quite has it covered… and as for black faceplates, with digging, they exist:
This is the unfortunate truth.
It’s clear based off of what they’ve released since then (for the most part) and their marketing. No more Hector, no more 15min long blade runner-like commercials. It’s extremely sad but true,
the old Elektron is gone.
So we won’t see any Machinedrum or Monomachine reissues and I really doubt we’ll see any new products with the vision and scope of the original trio.
No interest in seeing it remade, but Elektron ought to make another nice box with a lot of LFOs, 16 voices/polyphony, wide ranging digital synthesis, proper song mode, and a very user friendly layout. Whether Syntakt will be that remains to be seen, but that’s the next great hope for this style of instrument (though I imagine it will be in digi format)