Elektron's favorite synthesizers

Then don’t.

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I’m all for gender equality. It angers me to think that my daughter will ever be treated unfairly for being a girl. But this is an inappropriate time for this discussion imo. I was really enjoying this thread.


And I just bought it. I feel manipulated and I’m loving it.

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No one picked the Roland Jupiter 4? I don’t know if I can take Elektron seriously anymore… :wink:


That is a synth I’ve never had a chance to play in person and I would very much like to.

I’ve owned both a Jupiter 8 and a Jupiter 4. If I could only pick one to keep, I’d take the JP4.


I always imagined the Jupiter 4 to sound somewhat like the SH-5 or SH-7. Is that the case?

I’ve never used an SH-5/7.

I really liked his last release-I more immediately like it moreso than anything else of his I’ve heard!

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Somehow I missed these nice topics that Simon started 5 days ago! They’re super entertaining, thank you :smiley: :smiley:

Well, whilst it’s indeed a possibility, it’d perhaps be best if we simply kept it on-topic as a discussion of the favourite synths of Elektron’s staff. Gender threads have been a bit problematic here, whilst ideally they needn’t be, it is unfortunately the case that they inevitably go south and need too much moderation. Making such a thread (and the rod for our own backs … @adamjay, @lyingdalai, @peterhanes) is not quite as appealing from this side of the fence, although it’s extremely sad that we seemingly can’t have this type of discussion without it getting troublesome. Same goes for politics and other hot topics; it’s unfortunate that the stuff which gets people passionately engaged can often be polarising and then it’s just a matter of time before there’s a line crossed etc etc

Let’s for now just keep this good intentioned and very relevant Topic/Thread as it was originally intended :thup:

Back to Topic:

can’t believe there’s no Prophet 5 appearing on the list, seems like one of the most pioneering, iconic and significant instruments (though quite spendy) … probably a Roland GR300 for me fwiw … although I (we mods) do not represent Elektron despite this being spuriously assumed every other month :wink: If you judged a question like this based on actual hours productive on the device it may have been a Nord Modular for me, but my ‘desert island’ synth would be the A4


Well, this one I just got, is so awesome and great, it pisses me off😊damn fine piece of music right there, I say.

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Korg 707. Had several and used it for many many years, from time to time.



@RhythmDroid ,

Oh we missed this. :frowning:
Anyway, Korg707 is my favorite non-Elektron synth! :slight_smile:

I believe its the reflection of social hierarchy and how genders are groomed and who ends up picking the crumbs ( assembly line) ad eating the cake ( executive, R&D, finance etc…)

sorry posted midway and before reaching the section where the subject was changed or stopped.

The original was really well put together. Enjoyed reading it very much. Cool to get a sense of some of the staff too.

This was a nice read! It’s awesome that everyone were able to give an answer, so I assume that most of :3lektron: staff is at least somehow music nerds - even sales and repair! :slight_smile:

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I missed you buddy! I forgot/was a bit too lazy to ask LA/Tokyo offices… I’ll add you boys in post. :slight_smile: