If midi in and out are connected to OTs midi in/out, midi controllers with parameter feedback will adjust to changes you make on the OT, i.e. if you turn a knob on the OT the controller should reflect those changes (if the parameter is mapped to the controller of course), but when you change to a pattern with a different part or another bank on the OT, you’ll have to send cc request from the controller to the Octatrack (or briefly turn all parameters in the OT that differ from the state on the controller) to let the controller pick up the new values.
"Any incoming MIDI feedback data will reflect to the encoders and displays. So the encoders can work
without value jumps if your software/hardware is able to send back remote data. "
still requires that cc request action in constant bank switching live scenario.
hmm, the UC4 has a SNAP mode on its faders, where you’re meant to be able to push it until it gets to the existing parameter value and only then will it start modifying it . feel like that could be implemented with the encoders on the EC4 as at least a backstop for crazy parameter jumps.
“Group for every bank” won’t make a difference. You still need the CC parameters request to sync all CCs at least once at startup time.
It’s CC61, if I remember correctly, and in response the OT will send CC messages for all audio CCs.
IMHO there is no way around using this request if you want to get the encoders in sync (or would you want to touch all audio parameters on the OT one by one ?).
BTW: wouldn’t CCs in a different (not active) group re-adjust to an incoming CCs? Because when they do (what’s quite likely), the “group-per-bank” concept will definitely not work.
The SNAP mode is only required for pots and faders. And it still needs to know what the actual value should be to “snap to” (its needs the feedback first, before it can snap).
Encoders don’t need a SNAP mode. When “they” know what the actual value is (when they have the feedback), “they” can start directly from there.
Sorrily “no”. Relative CCs are great, but almost no machine implements them.
Ok Gotcha. I’m super glad to know this up front in any case.
Haha, def not! I’m desperately trying to create at least a short moment here and there from pressing buttons, to perhaps rip my shirt off and punch the air at least once in my show
not sure in understand. i would assume only the active EC4group and OTbank would interact. there would be an overlap of course. it would be Changing an OT bank, then EC4 group, then triggering the CC param request at the start of each ‘song’.
i am assuming an inacrtive EC4group is like a preset, remains ‘saved’ until it is recalled?
That doesn’t really make sense to me, because it would restrict you to exactly 16 CCs which are in sync. IMHO the groups are like pages, but all 16x16 entries react to feedback. On one group you have, for example, volumes of 16 channels, on the next group you have a specific fx send for 16 channels. Switching groups would become a hassle when the CCs won’t stay sync.
Sorrily the manual is not really clear about this topic.
Ahh OKay - maybe what I am referring to is the 16 “Setups”
= 1 Setup Per OT Bank ?
i mean, all i want to do is for every OT bank to have say, 4/8 parameters (differing parameters - not necessarily on the same encoders from bank to bank) sitting on the top row of the EC4 so I don;t have to remember “oh this track I use the filter, dive dive. and then this track i play with the reverb dive dive”.
moreso I will just know that if i play with those buttons, something, a pre-ordained parameter that i may forget on stage what it actually is - will be a good idea to twist haha.
and yeah I think I might just have to get one and bite the bullet.
Thanks a lot, very helpful. Another problem I’ve encountered now is that if I switch between 2 instances of the same plugin, I get parameter jumps (i.e. the EC4 doesn’t receive a midi update from the VST). Any suggestions?
Did you get the faderfox working with the micron? I am curious if it can handle the wide range of the microns parameters, cause other standard midicontrollers seems not to support such a range for microns single parameters for example to close or open the filter entirely.
I haven’t gotten the EC4 yet so no real-life answers here, but it is supposed to send NPRN, which is what the Micron needs to receive to respond properly. I think this is why the Micron is so problematic with most controllers.
If putting the track in focus in your daw doesn’t work, I don’t think there’s so much you can do…
Did you use the midi learn function of the plugin or the midi mapping in your daw?
Might be worth trying both ways and maybe try a different plugin.
There might be a way of sending a parameter snaphot to a midi controller, did you check the manual?
If I just wanted to quickly map some VST or VSTI parameters to some smooth, high res knobs while using Ableton is the Midi fighter Twister the way to go? The EC4 is twice as much and I mainly just use knobs for performing automation on my softsynths in the studio.
CC61 is the parameter you send from a midi controller to request all values of all audio track parameters from OT. OT will send all current values and the midi controller can match its values so both are set to the same state.
What do you mean with ‘sequence from OT’?