Still looks funny to me seeing Four Tet playing these massive banging shows. Didn’t look like he was heading for that at one point. More power to him though obviously.
Yeah he’s always struck me as the polar opposite of big flashy skrillex type shows. Interesting combo, the three of them
These guys are very tongue-in-cheek (see the earlier comments where Four Tet claimed he wrote the new Fred song on Twitter which now seems like part of their group banter.) But apparently Fred & Skrillex want him there to make there they “don’t f*$! it up” and they especially wanted to make sure they got this tune right. So a massive tick there for Mr Tet.
It’s a joke but also kind of true. Four Tet helped with Actual Life 3 and the drums on Danielle (smile on my face) are an almost exact rip of Only Human by KH (another Four Tet alias).
I don’t know anything about skrillex except that he tried to get van dyke parks to make an album with him. Did that ever happen?
Mmm Meme thread worthy
ffs. I’ve got that same YT recording on my laptop. Made a tune with it a few years ago and keep meaning to go back and re-do it now I’m a bit more in my groove.
Here’s another one of Jamie Lidell killing it. This is the tune which has the line, “Hanging out with Audiophiles” in it
This is a great performance, from a producer and performer That I am beginning to admire greatly
I like him a lot
What an awesome liveset! Innovative and beautiful (the bowed vibraphone!!).
He’s super inspiring. He can deliver a level of emotion
Just discovered Fred again … in an NPR video
Although i’m almost sure he’s using Ableton, i wish i’d know how technically achieve this kind of stuff with an OT (apart from the video of course).
Collab with Brian Eno.
Full album on YouTube…
Interested to hear people’s thoughts on this project. Just read a review where it was dragged through the mud but all the reviewers complaints seemed to be them just describing…ambient music.
I probably prefer his normal stuff - but it’s a lovely combination. I’m brave enough to admit publicly that I think Fred again is more talented than Eno. That said who’s going to pass up an opportunity to work with Eno?? Or maybe I’m thinking about it the wrong way and Eno was honoured to work with Fred again
Ehhhh, first listen didn’t grab me much and I love ambient. This is a bit muddy and medandering, with relatively uninspiring vocal contributions. Definitely could grow on me overtime, but first impression seems more like a buddy side project than something essential.
The student becomes the master!