You’re in luck, then.
it’s possible to write/edit some automations n/o live REC somes ?
Because you have owned the octatrack all but a day. You have not had time to sit and learn. You may have (quickly) read the manual, but you have not yet understood.
It will take time. The frenzy will pass. And in the end, you will no longer need to post questions on forums. You will find your own answers.
This is the way.
It’s a playlist. Maybe you could contact him, if he’s available?
Here is a bit of help.
Just discovered Zoom is the same in French as in English. Good for editing those wav’s
looked em but no saw any automations tutorial
ithink i found : SLIDE TRIGS right ?
i found SILENT TRACK, how SLICE TRIGS works, i almost know i think 51% maybe more of the OT
Seems pretentious. Did you drink pastis 51?
Knowing 50% of OT possibilities in 2 days doesn’t seem possible. I’m still discovering things after 7 years!
And it’s a bit like human brain, we can use 10% max. In general much less that 1%.
i learned LFO designer atm,
i need to learn :
-slices, slice plays
-MIDI sequencing
i have habitude, i had a MC-303, Electribe 2, & most know DAW… so it’s more easy than total newbieing… but for the slice & p-lock it tooks me time to understand,… & the manual is in english…
If you enjoy and feel confortable with OT in 2 days, it seems a good start anyway!
It was my first groove box, bought when released! Also had Electribe ES1X.
OT is very particular concerning sampling abilities, especially rec trigs.
Plocks, trig conditions, and especially scenes A/B make it unique, lots of possibilities you can’t fully master in 1 year imho.
me too MC-303 first groovebox ,
for OT maybe i will not use all functions… i will see in time.
@sezare56 is there some tricks to replace MIDI cc slice? i think using lfo / design maybe not enough…
any chance for an OS update u think ? i will need it…
dont want to wait OT3 for that, i think it’s do-able with OS software-side update… + why not add 1 or 2 other FX…
Already answered by @Blasted_pingin and @Tchu !
Simplest is FOLLOW TM, set SLICES trig mode with Function+Dow arrows
You can trigger 64 slices with midi notes using audio track midi channel, from note 12 (C0 on OT)
Gosh, what are we doing here?
To the OP, i think you should hold your questions for like a week or two and spend more time on the machine trying to understand its logic. You just need to accept that despite your immense commitment you won’t tame the dragon within a range of 3 days (even including the nights).
@sezare56 could you sleep?
There’s a french version somewhere… but believe me it’s way easier to learn english (les traductions des termes techniques sont foireuses).
Much older OS. MKI.
English manuals are up to date.
I do. What do you mean?
I should shut my mouth?
I was speaking about your Scene B broken button
The older versions of manuals still cover most of the features but the brave attempt to translate ALL in french was a bit dodgy.
When your read a sentence where they translated Threshold as
« seuil », Slices as « tranches » or Delay as « retard » it gives some spin to the head to understand the meaning.