THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS!! I’ve been trying to find out how to do this for the past 3 hours and I’ve finally got it thanks to you
its a few months later now, does anyone know if this bug has been fixed?
Dear @avantronica, thank you for this, it sounds like a possible solution!
However, I have a question about the last step.
If I set each track ‘note’ sequentially chromatic, so +1 note, I end up at +11. My sound will be very high pitched, and this al sounds really bad… of course I can tune everything down to compensate for this, but is there another way that doesn’t influence the sound? otherwise to do this all for each pattern is a bit finnicky…
I think I’d find it helpful if you just framed your question again - time has passed and features have changed since the above - I’m not entirely sure what aspect is useful or ambiguous - maybe just set out what you want and what’s not working and we’ll try from scratch …
wrt the 2 octave issue that was fixed
the synth and sample side of the sound can be set to ignore transposing via chromatic, but you can still set the Note output on a track such that the sound will be unaffected - maybe that’s where your question is heading, I don’t know, nor do I know the constraints of Logic
No problem, realise that a lot has happened since 2019
My problem is the following:
I simply want to record the sequence from the RYTM as a midi region/track in my DAW (logic), and want each drumpad/track to appear on its own separate line/note/pitch within that midi region, as most drum machines do. Then, when I play the midi region from my DAW, I want it to ‘control’ the RYTM (as most drum machines do).
I realise that RYTM is a bit different and the chromatic character of the tracks. So yes, I guess my question is heading towards: how to achieve the above? How to disable chromatic mode, and/or how to change the note output of the tracks without the sounds being affected?
Thanks in advance!!!
turning off track transpose is set per track and per constituent syn/smp
but what are the constraints - how do you want the data to look - do you need it per midi channel
you can program on any midi channel using the lowest 12 midi notes, but you want to capture the output on multiple channels simultaneously ? - like I said, I’m not sure about how Logic constrains you, if you say what the Rytm Midi output needs to look like then it’ll be easier
you may need to record the tracks with different trig notes set per track, maybe on one channel for all, sequentially spacing those so the tracks produce notes spaced 1 apart - then transpose the DAW track so the lowest is midi note 0
this isn’t something I’d do so I don’t know if that answers anything or gives you ideas
Thanks, but this all seems like too much of an hassle, I will have to find another workflow